chapter 14

113 17 1

(Christopher Knight )

My worried and jealousy is eating me upon hearing a woman voice from his line, it was so frustrating because I don't had that rights to ask him who is who. When the time he come on my office I still see the trace of his happiness that make me more frustrated. But upon remembering on what he said he ow me a explanation. I let me do the explanation and the un expected action I did is now bringing me a another worries.

We are now at home after the thing happened at my work place. In addition on it is the question of my son on the mark I made on jarred neck, Ace is so smart to ask that thing, what I'm not expecting on is the worries jarred had.

"Jarred, why to silent? " I ask him when I goes down and see him at the living room.

"I just think the thing we do, it was kind of inappropriate actions for both of us. Knowing our families are close because of Bea. I don't want to ruin that just because of selfishness. "

"Jarred we both adult a will growing man, I don't think we had any problem in terms of personal relationship. Why not we both try, even me it was my first but I'm more willing to give a shot on it. " I feel I'm on the bridge of rejection,  but I'm still holding a small chance that the he will answer me with 'let's try' but my hope is getting thinner when I heard his words.

"I don't know Chris,  I think I need a time to think about it. And one more thing I need to leave for the last mission for two months, after Ace birthday. For now I can't sleep over here I need to finalized my things for my departure. "

My heart scrambled, upon hearing him. It was another dangerous mission I know the government doesn't send him for just a small thing knowing his skills.

"No jarred you can't go that mission, what would happen in you there, did you even think anuti Monica, uncle Leo. What about mum Milan and dad Greg, did you even give a small doubt for Ace and me. You already decided Jarred why they still want you for this mission? Common jarred. " I what him to stay here, I can't live a life if I lost a another person I care. "Jarred you promise Bea for this. Can you at least give some respect and honor to your words to her. "

"I know, I made a decision already. But this mission is one of the agreement so they let me leave after. I know I promise to everyone not to come back to any mission but I need this to be free. I promise Bea that I will always on Ace special days, it was a reason why I'm leaving after his birthday. " he answer me of his reasons for him to stay. "And also I need this time to think also about this thing between us. If I come back we will know if it is right for us to be together, I want you to think it back. You might had that feeling because I'm exactly Bea's half, or that feelings  is genuinely for me. I want you to know that so we don't regret this in the end. "

"Jarred I can give you all the time to think. If that mission would give you a freedom to live your life free from service I'm gladly to agree, but you need to promise me to come back at my arms safe. Because I don't need to think is again because I know I like you the way you are not because your half of Bea. Please don't be harm because I don't know how to accept that. " I hold his hand tightly.

"Are you even serious about that feeling Chris?  If you really can you wait for me to be ready for that because I don't quite understand this thing. But I try to understand this. "

"Sweetheart, would you stay here at my side until the day you go. We had seventy-two hours lift, in that hours just let me give you a reason to come home for me again. "  I'm begging.

" are you sure, it would be good?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Even I had that small chance to be with you I will keep that. And nourish that until it grow. Just let me love you. "

"God, Chris.... Okay I stay here until the day I leave. "

" thanks.. Oh did everyone knows about it? "

"Yes, I already  call my parents, they don't agree at first but after I explain and give them the reason I had they eventually agree on it. On aunti Milan and uncle Greg I already till them too, same as my parents they don't at first but after explanation they agree.... "

" that was great but still I'm worried on this. There is no other way than this? "

"Nothing, the head qaters is already give my final work, and this is my mission. "

"How dangerous this compared to the last? " I ask, I want to know every details to assured my heart.

"This one is bit hard, but also it bit easy all I need is to take down the two big leaders of the terrorist, same group who is captured me in the past. I need to get in aireal, and ground survey and investigation. "

"What that was so risky for you?"

" but that is the only way, they give me, two months is bit long to finalized my plan, I think it never take that long after all I came from inside of that group I know who is who and where is the weak point of this group one reason why they assign it on me. "

I'm want to hold him not to leave for that work, but i see his determination. I know from the start his passion in the service. Now only I can do is to support, but I know also I need to be ready what will the result of the work.

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