Ch. 7- In the Ring

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"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."


The twins' birthday fell upon the holidays so everyone was dressed in warm formal attire while the ballroom was decorated beautifully with their famous powers; fire and ice. Even though Kalama didn't have hers anymore because it would cause the world to be in turmoil, we still celebrate my fiery sister and icy brother. There were round tables on the outside of the dance floor while the Royal family was seated in the front with our own personal long table so we could gaze at our people in front. All kinds of desserts and foods were delicately placed in front of us but I could barely eat or even have the energy to dance. I thought about Amias being held hostage by Erebus's shadows every second and it made me think irrationally. Made me want to lash out on everyone and find a way to save him.

On one side of the ballroom was a sculptor of Aeson made of ice, which was ironic and made me wonder if he specifically asked for one or even made it himself. There was no doubt he would. The other side was one my sister made out of fire thanks to the magic of the Phoenix, who attended her birthday party. I could only recognize the two Queens from afar from the way they were dancing together like they were the only two people in the world. If only I could have that in my life. But it was taken from me within seconds and I will never get it back again. At the other end of the ballroom stood a stage with a microphone where a broadcast full of our old baby pictures was being showcased for everyone to see. The first photo was the twins as babies then it changed to one where my siblings were hovering over baby me while I was asleep in my crib. Before I knew it, my Father walked onto the stage with a proud smile on his face which meant he was going to do something embarrassing.

All three of us leaned back in our seats at the same time while we tried to cover our faces, but our Mother and Nyra only laughed at our dramatics. "Welcome everyone. We are grateful to have each and every one of you celebrating the birth of Aeson Oliver and Kalama Alli Breevort. It's hard to believe they are half a century old now because it feels like yesterday I was holding them both in my arms." My father chuckled, his eyes locking onto all of us now as though we were his only salvation. "My wife Elora not only suffered nine months with twins growing inside her, but me being an overbearing Vampire she wanted to punch me in the face every second of the day. Cheers to the twins that made me lose a little bit of my sanity the second they were born and to Elora for bringing them into the world. All of them."

"We should probably send him to the loony bin," Kalama whispered to me. I barked out a laugh and shook my head but she continued. "It must be difficult to run a Kingdom and raise three Breevort children, especially the youngest."

"Please," I waved my hand. "Our Father would think it was a vacation. And seriously, your powers alone sent him into madness so let's agree to disagree that we all had a hand in his insanity." There was a glass of blood for me sitting in front of me and I took a sip while turning toward my siblings again. "Are you both ready to lose tonight?"

Kalama rolled her eyes. "It's not a competition, Sor."

"Not in her book," Aeson replied.

Throughout the party, my cheeks throbbed from smiling too much as I was dragged on the dance floor but no other than Luc Guinevere. The music was fast which allowed us to have a little bit of fun and show off my dance moves, no matter how clumsy they may be. As Luc twirled me around, I blinked, and from the corner of the ballroom stood Erebus watching me closely. I blinked again and Amias took his place, scanning me head to toe like he was two seconds away from stabbing me in the heart. What the hell? I told myself they were a part of my imagination because no one else saw the two. Only me. As I twirled around again, I schooled my fear and turned it into a fake happiness for Luc.

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