Ch. 1- Was It Real?

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"For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly."


Lianna. I will find you. If it takes me a thousand years, you will be mine. Darkness swarmed me and panic set into my soul as I tried to find my way out. My sunlight was dimmed to the point where I did not feel it at all and I gritted my teeth at my lack of powers. He spoke again, this time it was as though he was whispering in my ear from behind. My light. My light. My—

I woke up trembling and gasping for air. Every night since Amias was taken into prison, I had these nightmares that never went away. They were so horrid that my friends ultimately decided to sleep in the same room to fight them off with me, not listening when I tried to force them out. My room was cramped because all seven of us were sleeping in our usual spots. Luc slept next to me but he was as far away as he possibly can, but sometimes in the middle of the night, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Though, I never commented on it because it was somewhat nice. Kerim and Vincent were snoring on the carpeted floor on either side of the bed and I wanted to laugh at the both of them. They were notorious soldiers in the Vampire and Fae community, yet all they did was follow me and the girls around the house. Kerim was the broody silent one and as much as I tried to crack his exterior with jokes, he did not break. Last week, I saw a little bit of facade fade when I called him Keri Berry and he almost smiled. Almost. Vincent, however, was the easiest to break. He and I had something in common and that was cracking jokes and teasing each other every chance we got when we weren't hunting for Erebus's shadows.

They still lingered around the French Riviera—continuing on their search to locate me and my friends. And when they failed, they found innocents to make me get out of hiding. Humans, Fae, Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches. So far they have killed at least ten victims and that was because we weren't quick enough. We cursed at ourselves for our failures but we held strong. Emmeline did not give up, though, since she has been focused on protecting my identity from the rest of the world. Since his shadows escaped, it would not be long before he came back for me which is why it was important for me to hide. So with the help of Nyra, who was twitching in her sleep on the bean bag chair in the corner, I appeared as a normal human when I walked outside. I forced my sunlight to simmer down when we were on the hunt, using my regular Vampire strength instead. Rosalind focused on her training every day, whether it was physically or strategically.

The first week of Amias's sentence, I was a shell of a person. I talked to no one and barely ate—even when they tried convincing me to do so. But I would not. All I did was stare blankly at my secret paintings of him until my eyes were dry. Bea hugged me tight through it all, not caring when I pushed her away or left snot on her shoulder. She was there through the best and worst times of my life. She hogged the emerald green couch, her face hidden in the corner as she was in a deep sleep. Meli and Rosie slept on the loveseat beside her, which was probably uncomfortable. Every single one of them did not leave me alone since the man I loved was taken away from me six months ago.

My life completely changed that day. It was the fact that I almost died because I used every single ounce of my power to destroy Erebus and still wasn't enough since he was somewhere out there weak and seeking me out. Amias was spending the rest of his days in a cell because of me and every minute I thought of him in that hellhole. And I did not even realize a part of Erebus's shadows lingered in me until they whispered sweet nothings a day after I woke up. It was dangerous, I knew that. So I kept it a secret from everyone and it helped me find the shadow creatures seconds away from murdering innocents. Everyone thought I was just lucky but the shadows within me led me to them each time.

It was what they were whispering to me now, as though they were on my side and not Erebus's. Go, Soari. Let the others sleep. You can do this on your own. They were not the voice of a monster, more like a gentle caress in my mind that guided me these past few months. I grasped my necklace tightly as I slowly moved out of the bed, eyeing the men surrounding me in case they woke up. I don't know why I kept the ring Erebus gave me or why I made it into a necklace, but it was the only reminder of my survival. Of what I endured these past few months under his control. All three men slept bare-chested, even in the winter. Though, winter in the south of France was way warmer than in Ambrosia. It must be my sunlight heating them as I slept, making everyone sweat. I tiptoed around Vincent who was snoring loudly like a fucking Wolf and I had to bite back my laughter as he drooled. Before I sped my way into my closet, I grabbed my cell phone and snapped a picture of him, and placed it back into my pajama shorts.

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