Ch. 12- No Escape

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"I do not want the world's attention. Yours is enough."


A few days passed where everyone was forced into lockdown and I was able to free Amias from his shadows once and for all. He was able to walk freely in my palace by the order of my Father, in which I gave him a big hug for it. The rest of my family and friends decided to give me and Amias our space to be together and formulate a plan to destroy Erebus. Him and I were taking it slow as we haven't even fucked yet, but I was not too worried about it. He was here in my arms and my bed every night and that is all that mattered. And that is where Amias is right now...his fingers trailing my shoulders in a circular motion as my heart thumped quickly against my chest. He was bare-chested and wearing only boxers where a fuzzy blue blanket covered half of him while I wore a slim red tank top and soft pajama shorts with hearts all over it. I was laying on my side and my head rested on my pillow but my only focus was the man inches away from me. I did not care about the morning chill coming through the balcony or the sunlight beaming through it because Amias's warm brown eyes stared right through me like he was the sun himself.

"You're staring," he teased.

My lips curled into a grin. "It's been months of not seeing you. Allow me the time to memorize your face again."

His fingers moved up to cup my jaw gently and I leaned into his touch, wanting this to last forever. "We have all the time in the world, Soari. I will make sure of it." Amias sent a thousand butterflies swirling around my stomach which made me smile even more. With him I was not the Princess of Ambrosia with sunlight in her veins. I was only Soari, the girl he loves. "What else have I missed?"

"Good or bad?"

Amias's jaw was tight, his protectiveness showing like the fucking sun and damn if I loved every second of it. "There's bad news?" A second later, he scoffed. "Other than the obvious?"

"It depends," I bit my lip. "Did you know Bea was sick?"

His gaze softened within seconds and it was obvious he knew my best friend was sick and did not tell me. No one did. I did not blame them for it because I should have figured it out sooner but I was preoccupied by other things for months and there wasn't any doubt Beatrice Clemonte threatened everybody to keep the secret from me. As I did with hiding my powers for five years. "It was her secret to share, love."

I nodded in understanding. "I'm not mad...just saddened that I cannot do something to cure her. We have all the magic in the world and yet, this one human disease cannot be cured at all? It does not make sense." I paused as I finally sat up, my back leaning into the soft pillows behind me. Amias straightened too, his hand automatically grazing my thigh softly as though he could not stop touching me. My own hands grabbed onto his other as a sort of comfort as we talked about my best friend not being able to live a long life. "Though I never did understand the complexities of mortals except for their blood."

"You do not need to understand her disease," he said. "Just be there for her when the sickness catches up with her someday. It is all we can do for Bea." Silence echoed between us, but it was a comfortable silence. Amias and I did not need to speak to know what we were thinking or feeling. "And the good news?"

I smirked. "I may have made it my mission to bring Rose and Vincent together along with Kerim and Emmeline. And I happen to push my brother into a new love story at his birthday party."

Amias shook his head, barking out a laugh. "Always the mastermind."

"You love me more for it." I teased.

He leaned in closer as his lips found mine gently, then pulled apart so he could say, "Until the sun dies, love." My cheeks were beat red but I did not care because it was Amias who was making me blush. Amias who was here and not in the control of Erebus or in a jail cell. Yes, the blood oath was still between us but I figured out one way to stop it. Two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. No one else was going to allow my plan to continue if they found out, so it was best I keep it a secret for now. But what I never realized was how much Amias knew the depth of my soul. My mind and how it calculated numerous ways to stop the darkness coming for all of us. His voice was gentle yet there was a tiny scent of worry growing deep within his throat. "You're sacrificing yourself, aren't you?"

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