Ch. 20- Kill Me if You Must

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"You robbed me of my life. I could have been human—I could have been alive, but you took my heart and murdered it. You made me into this."

The pain was unbearable but I could only stare at Erebus with my mouth wide open, tears streaming down my face. His eyes widened as he stared at the blade plunged into my chest, my blood leaking out violently. I looked down at the wound, examining it like it was new to me. "Lianna?" he whispered, his voice shaking.

I did not have time for my famous jokes or petty comments against him—I was dying and he knew that fact. My body collapsed to the ground, but Amias saved me from any more hurt for he cradled me, his own tears streaming down his face. Blood-red tears that only Vampires produced when they were in agonizing pain. My voice quivered as I choked on my own blood, my eyes landing on Erebus. He was frozen to the point where he did not notice my blood dripping down his hand. "Sweetheart?" My Mother whispered, bending down beside Amias.

"Mom?" I choked. "It hurts."

"I know, baby," she replied. Her gentle hands slicked my hair away from my face, glancing down at my wound. "Just hold on for a few more seconds and it will all be okay."

Erebus was standing over us, in a daze over what he just did to me. But I had no words left in my body, nothing but pain and numbness following close behind. It was Amias who spoke next, his voice a lethal calm that forced him out of his own grief, shaking off his own guilt. "She is dying because of you," Amias said. "Are you happy now that you killed my wife?"

Wife. That one word gave me enough strength to curl my lips into a soft smile. Mother whirled from Amias and then to me, seeing past the glamor I held over our rings. My greatest enemy blinked a few times to make sure he heard correctly, but it was true. It gave him enough reason to disappear from sight, leaving me one breath away from death with my family surrounding me. Amias bent his head, a tiny sad smile spread across his face. But his eyes...they were filled with tears. "My wife, my best friend. You are truly magnificent."


My name was the last word I heard before my heart stopped beating.

A name complicated enough for the woman owning it, but powerful enough to make anyone wince as you saw her. Soari Lianna Breevort was not done yet. Death would not stop her from the vengeance brewing in her twisted mind. Nothing would, as far as she was concerned. 

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