Ch. 2- To Bleed, To Burn

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"Show me your thorns and I'll show you hands ready to bleed."


As soon as I showered and dried, my friends were starting to wake up from their sweet slumber outside the closet. I changed into a long black skirt and did not bother with a top, only a sweatshirt I found in Amias's closet. It was gray and smelled like him, so I wore it when I missed him which was often. I pulled on a pair of socks and then my black sneakers—not bothering to brush my wet hair. It was only going to get tangled anyway. Before I walked out of my closet, I sent the picture of Vincent to our group chat and smiled while doing so. Sometimes being a bitch was worth it.

I shut my cell phone off and opened the door with a strut in my step. The four girls and Kerim tried their hardest not to laugh, while Vincent was red in the face. It was only going to be sent to Rosalind but this was much better. I locked eyes with Vincy, chocolate brown with a mix of emerald flecks that knew bloodshed in the back of his hand. He wore black athletic shorts and nothing else while his black curly hair was tangled every which way. It was obvious why Rosalind liked him so much. "You know better than to mess with me, Vincy. I will only make your life a living hell if you want to start a prank war."

He grinned, showcasing his fangs while his eyes trailed over to Rosalind for a second. She wore tiny pink pajama shorts and a white tank top, while she still stared at the photo I sent. Emmeline bumped her shoulder to make her focus and when she realized that all of us were staring at her, she blushed. Kerim kept quiet, his white hair tied back into a bun as he ignored all of us. But I knew better than to think he didn't find Meli beautiful for he glimpsed at her from time to time. The two were childhood friends but went their separate ways when we graduated from Solasta. Until now. Of course, she always had a crush on him but never told him because she was too proud to ever admit her feelings. When I was not killing shadow creatures, my mission was to bring all of them together. Rosalind and Vincent. Emmeline and Kerim. Of course, Bea and Nyra were in on it, too.

My pink-haired niece stretched as she stood up, yawning in the process. Bea rubbed her eye as she was still trying to wake up. I, however, was wide awake because of the strong coffee Luc gave me and the early morning shadow murder. I was on a high and I didn't need drugs to feel it. "What were you dreaming about, huh?" I turned my attention to Vincent again. "Let me guess: two girls riding you at the same time while you drink their blood?"

His smile was dazzling, arrogant. Vincent knew he was popular in the Vampire community because of his rank. Of his strength. Most would comment he was way too cocky for his good, but he was a killing machine. I have seen it myself so why should he hide it? "Better, little Princess." He lifted his pointer finger. "One girl where we fucked at least twenty times, both drunk on each other's blood."

"Fuck, I'll never understand Vampires and their need to make everything sexual," Kerim mumbled while he rolled his eyes. "Seriously just eat your goddamn food and move on without fucking it."

"Please, the Fae can be fucking insane when it comes to their cravings. And as someone who is both a Vampire and Fae, I would know how insatiable that need is—so please lower your so-called superiority." I smirked at Kerim. Then I turned toward Vincent. "One girl, huh? Is that why you drooled?" He rolled his eyes, which gave me the answer I needed.

"This girl is definitely why he drooled," Nyra agreed.

"And why he has a boner right now," Bea said.

Rosalind laughed. "Please, all men have boners in the morning. It's nothing special."

I barked out a laugh. "I always wondered why men want to fuck me so early in the morning. They just wake up and immediately think about sticking their dick in someone. Women, on the other hand, at least consider what time it is in the day."

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