Mae's Perspective

I'm awoken by a bright light coming through my bedroom window. Oh, it's the sun. As I lay there for a moment, the memories of last night all come rushing back to me.

I turn to my left to greet Gavi with a good morning, but I find that he is gone. Oh. I guess he must of left. The realization stings, and I think back to how he seemed like a good guy. A guy who wouldn't leave in the morning.

Oh well. Looks like I won't be seeing him ever again. That just hurts even more. I glance over to the look and find that it's only 7:00. Usually I would still be sleeping, but I no longer have the urge to be lying in bed.

I force myself up out of bed, and head over to my closet. I throw on sweatshirt and sweatpants and start to head out the kitchen.

When I enter, I'm completely shocked by what I find.

"Hey, good morning," Gavi smiles, as he flips a pancake.

I'm glued to where I'm standing, still in utter shock that he's still here, and above, making breakfast.

"Good morning," I manage to say as I take a seat at the table.

I find a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon sitting on the table, along with a glass of orange juice.

I find a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon sitting on the table, along with a glass of orange juice

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"That's for you, by the way," he points out. "I hope you don't mind me using your stuff."

"Oh, no worries. Thank you for breakfast. To be honest, I thought you had left this morning."


"Ya. When you weren't in bed, I thought you had dipped. I was a bit disappointed, so it's a nice surprise knowing you didn't leave." I quickly shove a bite of pancake in my mouth before I can say anything else embarrassing.

He looks at me, then smiles. I realize he has the hat and glasses on again.

"You were sad when you thought I left?"

"Ya," I admit, a bit embarrassed.

"Well, I'm glad I didn't leave." He smiles at me, causing a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

I turn away to hide my embarrassment and flushed cheeks.

"Do you have anything going on today?" I ask, attempting to change the topic.

He glances at his phone, then turns back to me and says, "I actually have a meeting in about 30 minutes."

"Oh, so you'll probably have to go soon, right?"

I'm disappointed that he'll have to leave so soon. I wish I had gotten out of bed earlier.

Instead of saying anything, he simply takes a seat next to me and serves some food onto his plate.

"My meeting can wait. Besides, it's nearby so I don't really need to worry." he grins at me then starts to dig into his food.

I want to ask him what he does for his job but decided against it and continue eating my food. It tastes amazing.

"That was sooo good. I've never met a guy who can cook so well. In fact, I've never really met a guy who could cook in general," I exclaim once I've shoved all the food into my mouth.

"I give all credit to the pancake mix I found in your pantry." He jokes as he places my plate and his into the dishwasher. He looks over to the clock and frowns a bit.

"I guess I should get going now," he murmurs. I can tell from the tone of his voice that he is disappointed too.

I walk him over to the door and smile.

"I had a lot of fun with you." I then lean in and give him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Ya, me too. Until hopefully next time."

He walks out the door and I close it behind him as he leaves him. Let's hope that there is a next time. That's when it hits me.

How could I be this stupid? I immediately rush to find a pen and paper, then sprint out my apartment door. Lucky for me, he's still waiting for the elevator.

"Gavi!" I yell, hoping to get his attention before he gets on the elevator. He hears me and turn to look at me.

I finally reach him and hand him the piece of paper.

"Here's my number. Make sure you text me, okay?"

He looks down at the paper, and smiles. "I definitely will."

The elevator then dings, and the doors open, but he doesn't get on.

I take a step towards him and give him a little nudge. "You better get going. Wouldn't want you to be late for your meeting." I suggest.

"Ya you're right. Goodbye for real now."

I watch as he gets on the elevator and disappears as the doors close. I let out a small squeal of excitement and start to head back to my apartment. I can't believe all of that just happened!

That was our longest chapter yet! What did you guys think? Make sure that you message me if you have any questions or ideas for the next chapters! Next chapter is coming out Monday! (4/24/23)

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