My Heart I Surrender

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Gabriela's POV

I can hear arguing and fighting, waking up in the trailer. I could feel it. Something bad was happening. I slide my shoes on, heading for the door. As I step out I hear Isaac. "She can speak for herself. If she wants to go. Let's just ask, Gabbie." He tells whoever it is. I see Gilly, a big gun in hand, standing next to Coco. Why couldn't he just stop trying to bring me home? Isaac laughs, slowly turning to me. "Well? Little flower? You wanna go with these guys? Or do you wanna stay? In the real land of the free?" He asks, again that creepy smile forms on his face. Coco is bloody, and beaten. Isaac had tortured him. I didn't even know he chased me up here. Fuck. I don't answer, I just slowly walk past him and toward Coco. He pulls me close, as Isaac turns around. He goes to speak and without question, Coco shoots him in the neck. I don't even flinch. This was the only body I enjoyed seeing dead. We walk away, Gilly still on alert as we start running. "You've been strung out with their sister, dawg? What the fuck!" Gilly yells, running to the driver's door. Coco reaches the passenger opening and helps me in before he hops in. Gilly gets in and starts the truck, backing out quickly. "Coco, what if someone tells them a Mayan killed Isaac?" I ask, staring forward. I feel a wave of emotion thinking about Butterfly and the information he had collected on Coco. "Only Isaac knew and I put a bullet in him." He says, with no emotion. Gilly looks angry. I could tell he wanted to fight with Coco but we'd already been through so much I think he doesn't want to press the issue. "You gotta get clean this time. For real. Not just tell me you're straight and run away with the Reyes sister. I mean what the fuck was wrong with those motherfuckers? Fucking cockroaches man." He states to us like we hadn't already known. I think about the word clean, knowing that it's gonna be torture. Pure hell. But with Coco maybe not so bad. "Is she staying with you? I mean I can't take her to her dad's all fucked off like this." He says, looking toward Coco.  He nods, closing his eyes. I mean, I understood. We were disappointments to the ones we loved.


I walk to the store. Sara let me have my old job back since they were short on Staff. I haven't run into my brothers or Papi yet. For me that was good. I still looked like shit, to be honest. The second time around getting clean was harder than the first. I head inside knowing every noise would give me anxiety. My veins felt so dry lately. It's hard not to use knowing Angel and EZ were deeper in the club than ever and Dad was so depressed he let the shop go to shit. Santo Padre. Land of the fucked, home of the emotional.

Coco's POV

I wander up to the window, I had been inside the clubhouse at Stockton when they gunned them down. I was lucky. Very fucking lucky. I had just spoken on the phone to Gabbie before heading inside. They were worried about the cops and took off before they could find out anyone else was inside. I ring the phone, telling the club what had happened. They didn't know why S.O.A. had hit us like that. I dial Gabbie, it goes straight to voice mail. "I'm alright. I talked to EZ and Angel. The rest of the club didn't know all of the ties at work. I was worried about it being Isaac. This could destroy the whole chapter here in S.P. I shrug it off, feeling uneasy. Gabbie always answered this time of night. The store closed around ten, it was eleven, why didn't she answer? I close the phone and send a text to her letting her know as well. Where the fuck was she?

Gabriela's POV

I sit on the ground. My knees in the dirt. My hands are free but I know, I'm a dead woman. Packers dead. Isaac stands in front of me. "This is gonna make this charter so interesting.  I mean you are the woman I didn't know I needed." He says, spinning to face me. Three other members I've never met in the Mayan clubhouse kneel next to me. "Butterfly told me. Who your brothers are. What they're capable of. God, my little flower bloomed, didn't she boys?" He questions, looking around. I sob. "Isaac. Please. I didn't know. I don't know anything, please. I'll do whatever you want. I swear." I sob out loudly. He laughs, consulting with others as a man begins to dump gasoline on me. I shudder, knowing the last people I see are ones I don't know. A guy with a shaved head and tattoos look at me. "Who are you?" He questions, guns still pointed at him. I quiver. "Gab- Gabriela Reyes." I choke out, looking at my surroundings. I'd die in the desert. Everything I'd never wanted. I may not have been as smart as EZ but I was capable of just as great things. "As in the Reyes brothers. Makes sense. You're valuable.  Coco's old lady right? Ima get you outta here. I promise. Just follow my lead." He whispers, eyeing the Son's.  Had Redwood lit a green light? Or did Samdino do this on their own? Was it because of Isaac? I'd never know probably. He turns to face us, smiling as he lights a cigarette. "Little flower I'm sorry. It's come to my attention that you're not needed. You're just a retaliation. Next time, a Mayan fucks with the Sons, tell them they lose. Their sister." He says, flicking it towards me. I feel the flames engulf me as I go in shock from the pain and fire. I scream and run around, feeling my body slowly fade. I hear other screams that aren't mine as I slowly succumb to my wounds. I love you, Coco. I love you, Ezekiel. I Love you, Angel. I love you, Papi. I'll see you soon, Mami.

Coco's POV

I stand over them, lifeless. He said the name. Gabriela. I just held her. Charred. Dead. She hadn't even been clean long enough to see her brothers or their Pops. "How did they know?!" Angel screams kicking his bike. I don't respond. I just lay there next to her. The smoke from her body as well as Manny's and the other guys sends EZ into a rage. I know he'd been on a war path these last few months but this would send him over the edge. Here lies their sister, burnt and ashed. I could never imagine. Angel sobs, looking at us. Brushing what little hair was left, cupping her face. "What do we do Coco? How do we fix this?" He asks me, looking at my face. A few tears swell in my eyes as I look toward EZ. "What do we do prez? Your call." I say, picking Gabbie's corpse up and heading towards the van. He stares off, with no emotion like any other time he'd killed. "We go for blood and stop any asshole who gets in our way." He states, following us. We set her in the back, all three of us staring at the burnt body that lays there. "I love you, mi corazón." I whisper, walking towards my bike. I can hear her brothers mutter things to her, knowing how they tell their pop she's dead and it's our fault. How do I tell them she came home two months before? Goddammit Gabriela. This ain't real. You're at home, I know it. But I'd already called Leticia. You weren't there or the store. Couldn't have been anywhere else. I push the thoughts away, climbing on my bike as I watch your brothers shut the van doors. They rush towards me, sitting on their bikes. "Samdino. They're dead, right?" I ask, starting my bike. The Reyes' nod, starting theirs and leaving. I follow them knowing vengeance will be had. For you, Gabriela.


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