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Gabriela's POV

I wake up, wrapped in a throw blanket, alone. It's Coco's bed. I roll over to see his kutte draped on the end of the bed. He must still be here. He had very little in his room. A nightstand, dresser, His bed, and a chair. I sit up, looking for my clothes. He folded them into a neat little pile. It's a military thing in guessing. Probably would've made the bed too had I not still been in it. I left the bed, dressing and opening his door. "He's in the shower." A young girl states, walking into a room up the hall while pointing to the door in-between us. I smile and nod. I slowly shut the door and sit on the end of the bed. I checked my phone. There's a message from Jed. "No hard feelings. Sorry you're still a kid. Purse is on your front steps. P.s I felt good when you punched serena. Tell the guy who kneed me, thanks for the broken ribs. Hope to see you without the biker drama." He messaged. I sigh and rub my eyes. Already just trying to fit in with my own crowd nearly fucked my sobriety.  I'm not built to have friends. I'm not built for the outside world. I lay back shutting my eyes before I hear the door open and close. I sit up to see Coco in nothing but a towel. I blush, trying to look else where. "You gotta stop doing that. I've already fucked you twice. You've seen it." He says, not even looking away from his dresser as he digs for clothes. I smack his forearm, letting out a laugh. "Shut up, Coco." I mutter. He chuckles dropping the towel and sliding on boxers. "Better?" He asks, facing me. "Oh, thin boxers are supposed to be better than the thick cotton towel?" I question, folding my arms. He smiles. "I like this. You and me. The push and pull. I thought it was toxic but it works for us." He says sliding jeans and a black shirt on. He sits down to put his socks on. "Wait, the push and pull? So you pulled me in last night which means now you're gonna push me away?" I ask, puzzled, standing the process. He grabs my hand and brings me infront of him. I look down at him and he smiles once more. "No that's not what I meant. I just meant no matter what we go through we keep finding each other again. Like fate. Out of anyone, I found you first last night. Before that, out of all the numbers you called, it was me. Angel and them make fun of me for believe in things like that but I'm serious, hermana. This, us. It's good. And I don't want to fuck it up. And I'm tired of Angel trying to put you in this box and keep you from everything good in the world. Even if he has a point that I'm bad sometimes." He explains, looking me in my eyes. He gulps and let's go, putting his socks on. "Was Coco Cruz just opening up about something? Showing vulnerability?" Joke with him, kneeling down in front of him. "I won't ever again if you point it out," He says kissing my forehead. We stand up and head for the door, walking out of it. "I can drop you off. Or man, screw it. Take the Nova." He says, walking me to the door. "Coco I have a car plus there'd be no where to park it on my street " I tell him. He laughs. "So I'll drop you off on the bike then, cool?" He asks, slipping his kutte on and grabbing a snapback hat, placing it on his head backward. This is the first time I'd seen him in a hat. I nod, patting his shoulder. "Look, we're not gonna sneak around anymore. If Angel wants to confront me, let him. I can handle it. But he isn't gonna tell us what we can and can't do. You're my old lady now, ain't no one gonna stop that." Coco states, draping his arm around me as we walk out of the door and to the bike. He hands me the helmet, slipping his gloves on as I adjust it to my head and clip it. He looks at me, smiling before kissing me. He pulls away when my phone rings. I pull it out, answering it. Angel asks to put Coco on the phone. "What? Are you serious? Okay. Nah we were just about to head there. I can take her to Vicki's meet you there." Coco speaks into the phone, eyeing me. What? Why was he taking me to Vicki's whorehouse? He hangs up, handing me the phone back. He kicks his bike. And gets in my face. "The Fed's just searched your pop's house for you. You have an accessory to murder warrant for your arrest. I gotta take you somewhere safe, what the fuck aren't you telling us Gabriela?!" He spits at me, sitting on his bike. I climb on, riding away away with him. No, no, no. Did they find Jonah? No it couldn't have been Jonah. I never touched his body. If it's not Jonah, then it's- her...

As I pull into Vicki's she's already waiting there, Riz next to her. I park the bike and Gabbie hops off, removing the helmet. I step off and walk to Riz. "Guys are ten minutes out, should be here soon. How you doing, gabbie?" Riz tells us, hugging me. I hug back. He shakes Cocos hand as they lead the way. "Gabbie this is Vicki. Vicki, gabbie." Coco introduces us while we walk. "Beautiful young woman. I could use her around here." Vicki jokes. "Nah she ain't like that. And that ain't gonna be her thing, ever." Coco mutters, lighting a cigarette. We head inside and there's men, women, and other things you could imagine.  Mostly naked or lingerie on. They guide me upstairs to an empty room. "Had the girls clean it." She says, walking us in before her and Riz disappear. "You should be good here until we figure out what to do." Coco tells me, shutting the door. He takes a seat in a chair across the room. "Bebita, you gotta tell me what the fuck this is about." He says, wanting an explanation.  I sigh and look at the track marks. "I'm not a serial killer. Or like a psychopath. It was an accident." I tell him, looking at the door to the balcony. "And?" He asks, puffing his cigarette while glancing at me. I choke back the tears. "We were high. I was driving me and some others.  Jonah, the guy you, you know. And a couple others of us.  We were hitchhiking to this place called Meth mountain.  Was suppose to be this free place, no rules. You could be anyone, anything. We pulled over to get high and continued going. Six of us in a van, on heroin. No one noticed until Jonah pulled over for us to get gas and stuff. Felix was Dead. He OD'd. Jonah took care of it. I couldn't look or watch. Butterfly's girlfriend, Jess, wouldn't get back in the van, started calling the police to report about Felix. That's when Jonah tried to convince Butterfly to get her to relax and stop. It didn't help. Jonah was a manipulator. His uncle Isaac he said ran meth mountain, and they'd kill her anyway if she ratted on him. She was a loose end. He cut her throat.  I gave the same reaction when I watched you kill him. But instead, I vomited. Butterfly and him were suppose to clean it up. We didn't even go up to the mountain. We just turned back around. The farther away from it, the better. Butterfly continued his journey. When I found out, Jonah never cleaned it up, and they left it. Just how it was, I took the cash from Jonahs safe, and I ran, coming home. I didn't think they could find anything to come back from me. I mean, it rained up there I'd hoped before they found her. They mist have found her and the vomit, DNA from EZ being locked up probably hit a familial match." I explain. By now EZ and Angel were in the room listening. Angel rubs his face, looking at EZ and then to Coco.  "Yeah, well they issued a warrant for the kid too. Now the Son's know he's missing." Angel tells them. I put my head in my hands. "Coco, take the prospect to do some recon. Make sure we weren't followed yeah? I need to talk to the cabinet of secrets over here." He says, looking at me. "Look at me gabbie. You have to stay here.  While we figure this shit out. I don't know how long, but we will. At least until we can figure out how the fuck to fix this. I mean, why didn't you say anything to one of us? I mean when we were rolling your accomplice up in a rug, you didn't think to say anything?" Tells me, ending it with a question. "I was scared. In shock. I didn't know how to tell one of you." I say, standing up and pacing. He sighs and heads for the door. "I don't recommend going out there unless you have to." He tells me before walking out, I follow him, looking for Coco to say goodbye before he leaves. Angel stops and turns around, pushing me back. Coco has some curly haired girl, very much thicker than me, holding him by his kutte. He looks up at me, noticing I see him. "Gabriela wait, it ain't like-" I ignore him and run back upstairs to the room, shutting and locking the door. Of course, he wooed me with my words. He didn't want me to be his old lady. He wanted to keep me close. Just like every other woman he's slept with. Coco bangs on the door. "Gabbie would you just listen, please." He says through the door. I choke my tears back, sliding down to the floor. "Coco, go deal with the club. You were right. This would never work. And I don't want to be around you were not gonna argue in a whorehouse. Or my brothers, either." I respond. He smacks the door before I hear his footsteps recede. This was toxic. Every time we grow closer, something  gets in the way. This wasn't fate bringing us together. It was fate showing us that we aren't meant to be anything to each other. I couldn't do it. It was a whorehouse so I knew that it was never quiet. And I wasn't gonna stay somewhere that had cum and fucking got knows what else. Or in a room Coco probably fucked multiple whores. I wipe my tears, standing up and heading to the balcony. I look down. Not a far drop. I dial one number I remember.  It rings before they answer. "Hello?" He asks into the phone. "Butterfly? It's gabbie." I say. Screw this. It was time for me to do the pushing this time.

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