Not The American Average

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Gabriela's POV

I stand in front of the mirror, looking at the tight black dress Sara had lent me. It was still a little loose in some places from my slow weight gain. I pull the dress down as she stands next to me in a red form fitting dress. She was perfect in all the right places and I looked like a walking stick. It was embarrassing. I start to examine everything wrong with me. The scarred track marks, the stick like figure, and the Awkward way I stand. I just, wasn't pretty. Maybe Coco didn't want to hurt my feelings because he was friends with Angel. "Who ever you're thinking about, let it go for tonight. You'll feel better I promise." Sara says, applying mascara to her eye lids. The blonde long hair she had. She was perfect how could I even begin to compare to her? "You're not gonna wear any make up?" She questions. I blush. "I've never learned how to use make up." I explain, looking at my skin. She smiled. "Lucky for you, I know all about it." She tells me wickedly, a smiled forming as she sits me on my bed. She begins, using things and adding things to my face. I feel like my eyes have definitely grown heavier. She stands me in front of the mirror. "Where would we be going to look like, whatever this is?" I ask, feeling out of character. She laughs. "It's a club. Don't worry, you don't have to drink or anything. We can just dance." She says, checking herself one more time. "Okay let's go." She says, pulling me towards my door. It feels like a bad idea with my sobriety. What if drugs are around? And if im even slightly tempted i could relapse. I come back to reality to catch myself from falling. The short heels are still hard to walk in, so I walk slowly, feeling completely awkward. I push past her and opened the front door, leading the way when a black car speeds up, and stopping in the street. Coco steps out. "What the fuck are you doing, gabbie?" He asks, power walking around the car and to my gate. "I'm going with my friend." I state, grabbing Sara. I can feel the confusion coming from her. "What the fuck are you even wearing? All of Santo Padres gonna see up that dress. And the shit on your face? You look like some zorra." He spits at me, walking in the yard. "Seriously? You blew me off for the club? And now you want to show up out of the blue and trip on me and how I look?" I say, raising my voice. He scoffs, coming towards me. He looks at Sara. "Get in your car. Or walk. I don't give a fuck you need to go. " He states to her, anger seething through him. He grabs my wrist and tries to pull me to the car. I yank away from him, almost losing my footing. "I'm not your girlfriend. You don't get to ask to take it slow, and then bail every time the club needs you. You can't want to try to work on something while you've got a club smack dab in the middle of it. Screw you, Coco. " I spit at him. "She told you you should go." Sara pipes up from behind me. He looks at her and then me, pulling his gun out. Sara gasps and steps back, holding her hands in the air. Coco shoots her left front tire and the back one as well. She let's out a small scream, before running towards her car. "What is your problem, you psycho?!" She let's out. I slowly step down the steps, wobbling towards Coco. I shove him back a little and go to slap him when he catches my hand. "Figure out how your friend is gonna get home." He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my neck. I push him off of me and kick the heals off, running towards Sara and her car. "My dad is gonna kill me." She says kicking the car. "I'm sorry Sara I didn't kno-" She cuts me off, standing up. "It's not your fault. It's that psychos! Who even is he? I hope he can pay for the damage because whatever the fuck that was had nothing to do with my BMW." She spits at him. He lights a cigarette, walking over towards us. She shudders and takes a stepback, quivering a bit. "Call an Uber, güera. I'll have it towed for you with two new tires on it. Just leave." He spit at her, inhaling the smoke. She scoffs and sits against the car, dialing her phone, glancing at Coco every so often. "I'll see you at work tomorrow." I tell her, handing her the heels she let me use. How fucking embarrassing. With that, I walk inside the gate, and towards the steps. My dad would be home soon anyway and he doesn't need to see me like this. I open the door, going to slam it behind me, when Coco catches it, waltzing in. "Can you go? You've embarrassed me, rejected me, and continue to come up with excuses on Why we won't work. What the fuck do you want from me?" I question, heading to my room. "Listen, this had nothing to do with us, or anything like that, I was worried about your sobriety." He tells me, leaning img in my door way. "So you just so happened to know exactly what I was doing tonight? " I spit at him as I grab the face wipes and started wiping my face off. Once I feel and look clean enough I still see Coco standing there. "There's no answer? Huh? You're just gonna stand there? Why the fuck do you give me mixed signals and continuously make me second guess my self?! You had no idea what my plans were tonight you were just mad I blew you off back!" I yell slipping the black dress off, letting it hit the floor. "I get it! This doesn't do it for you! I'm sure one of Vicki's whore's look so much better! And yes, I over heard Angel and Ez talking about the brothel too" I explain, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around myself. Was that my first breakdown since I got clean? No words come out of his mouth. Instead, he kicks the door shut, grabbing me and ripping the blanket off. Coco looks directly into my eyes,  "you're better than Vicki's girls." He says, taking his shirt off. "What? I don't even understand-" he cuts me off. "You want me to prove it right?" He asks, sliding his boots off along with his pants. I tried to stay angry and focused but now that Coco is standing next to me in only a pair of white boxers. I'm distracted. "The way, you see yourself as this ugly, addict. It isn't how I see you. I see a smart, shy, beautiful woman, hermana." He whispers, his breath hot on My neck. He shoves me on the bed. Standing over me. "Take em off." He tells me. "What I have left on?" I ask, nervously. He nods. I sit up, unclasping my bra, slowly sliding it off, feeling vulnerable. He pushes on top of me, kissing me hard. I kiss him back while his tongue trails my lips and into my mouth. He's grabbing and caressing every inch of me. He pulls at my panties, signaling to remove them. Before I can even reach down, he rips the lace, throwing them to the side. I pull away from him, shocked. He let's out a chuckle. "I'll get you new ones, don't worry" He says, kissing down my neck. I let out a small moan, grabbing the Hem of Coco's boxers I push them down, he instantly springs out. We both looked down. When we look back up he makes eye contact, searching my face for confirmation. I don't say anything, grabbing him by the neck and kissing him. I gasp when he shoves into me, hard. "Did I hurt you?" He asks, worried. I shake my head, waiting for him to continue. He pulls all the way out, slowly sliding back in. I continue to moan as his pace quickens. He slides out and sits up. "Turn around." He tells me, studying my nude body. I flip around, never having been in this position. As I nervously and impatiently wait for him to continue he grabs my hair, pulling on it as he slides back in, causing me to moan. Pumping in and out of me, running out of breath, Coco becomes rougher. Hotter. I've never felt this turned on before, the faster he goes the more I know he's close. "Fuck" He let's out, listening to my moans as he fucks me senseless. I grip my pillow as he yanks my hair harder. Before I can let out another moan, he pulls out, finishing on me. He's panting, still gripping me from behind. He reaches for my ripped panties, wiping me off and collapsing next to me drenched in sweat. I grab the blanket covering us up. "Did that prove it?" He asks, catching his breath, as I lay my head on his chest. He wraps one arm around me. "And if I said no?" I question, smiling up at him. He looks down at me, brushing the hair out of my face. "Shut up" He says, smirking. I hear the front door open and shut. Shit. Papi. I rush to to door, flipping the lock and motion for Coco to be quiet. I search for clothes in my dresser, dressing quickly. The handle starts shaking. "Mija, you okay?" Dad calls out, still jiggling the handle. "Yes Papi I'm just changing" I call out. Coco is trying to hold in his laughter. I grab his clothes, handing them to him and shoving him towards the back of the door. I open the door, hiding Coco behind it. "Hey Papi how's the shop?" I ask, leaning on my door. He glances around my room. The front door opens again, Angel and EZ walking in. I glance at Coco behind the door. "What's up? Why you being weir" Angel asks, eyeing me suspiciously.  "Nothing, just a long day at the grocery mart." I say, looking up at him. He nods, heading for the kitchen, papi following suit. Ez walks by glancing back at the front door. "If you're gonna lie, maybe have Coco park in the back." He whispers, smiling at me. I throw the small stuffed bear on my dresser at him, and he catches it, throwing it back. I shut my door, locking it again. "You're a bad liar" Coco whispers, putting his clothes back on. I try to modestly look around, avoiding staring. "What? Don't act like I wasn't in you 10 minutes ago" He says softly, with a huge grin. I smack his arm, giving a small laugh. He slips his white shirt on, going for his kutte when Angel barges in, shutting the door and staring at us. He doesn't speak. He just looks at Coco.  "You kill someone, in my pop's house. You sneak around with my sister, and now you're hid out in her room." Angel whispers to him, again using his hands to emphasize. Coco steps forward, not stepping down. "Angel she's an adult. She wants to do something you can't stop her." Coco tells him. "She's closer to letti's age more than yours, you piece of shit." He says, turning to my door opening yet again. EZ. He shuts the door behind him, joining the party of three. "Angel calm down, you can't smother her. Besides at least you know Coco will keep her out of trouble." He says, picking Coco's kutte off the floor and handing it to him. Angel scoffs and faces Ez pointing at Coco. "We are the fucking trouble, prospect. You, me, him. We just disposed of a fucking body. And not for the first time. We peddle the shit we're trying to keep her clean from" He explains. I shove Angel. He stumbles back, regaining his balance. "Fuck you. I'm right here. I'm not a fucking child, Angel so quit treating me like one. You are not Papi.  Do not sit here and give all of us lectures like you're the big brother again." I whisper angrily. Coco shoves past me, going for the door. "Nah Angels right. This, it ain't gonna work. I gotta go anyway" Coco says, dogging Angel while he opens the door. I scoff. "Seriously what is it with you bikers. Coco stay. You two, get out." I say, pointing to the door before pulling Coco back. Angel nods, giving up and leaving the room, Ez following. The door shuts and I face Coco. "Don't let Angel make my decision or yours." I say looking at him. He breaks the eye contact. "Angel is right, Gab. We do bad shit. Shit they're trying to protect you from. They're doing the right thing and I'm fucking it up being around you. This, has to stop. I'm no good for you. I keep trying to distance myself but day and night I find some reason to come find you. The push, the pull. It's toxic." He explains. "How are you gonna break up with someone you're not even with, especially after you just had sex with them?" I question, pointing to my bed. He sighs. "Exactly. We're not together. We will never be together, gabbie. My life, it don't mean shit. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I just complicate shit. I put you in danger with all the enemies me and your brothers have. I don't- you know, I'm not gonna argue with you. It's done Gabriela. This isn't high school, grow up. Did you think it was gonna be some fairytale shit? It's not. I'm a gangster. You're a junkie. We don't work for each other. " He states. I scoff and open my door. "Get out." I say, looking down trying to keep the tears from falling. "Gabbie I didn't mean-" I cut him off. "I said, get out Coco. It's done right? I do this to myself. As soon as a guy gets into a girl's pants. It changes. You're no longer important like you assume you are, so just leave." I tell him, wiping my face. "Gabbie don't go and do some-" "GET OUT! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" I scream, shoving him. He grabs my wrists, stopping me, kissing my forehead and walking out the front door. I'm out of breath, my family just staring in silence. Ez, follows Coco out of the door. Angel just hangs his head, feeling guilty. "You happy Angel?! Had to be the big brother right? Well, where was he when I was slamming heroin, huh? Huh? Oh thats right, prospecting with that asshole! Fuck you, Angel." I yell at him, walking back in my room and slamming the door, locking it. I lean against the door, tears streaming down my face. I glance at the bed, lean off the door, and start stripping my sheets, throwing them in my hamper. I lay down, curling into the fetal position. Listening to silence. I fucking hate Santo Padre.

Lie To MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora