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Coco's POV

"None of you seen her leave?" Angel asks, looking at EZ, Riz, and Vicki. Along with the girls. Guadalupe stands up. "I don't know why we're hiding her. She's not illegal. She murdered someone. She's a nutcase." Guadalupe states, crossing her arms. I grab her by the throat and shove her against the table. "You protect her because we tell you to. We give you protection. Know your place and do as the club asks, Zorra." I spit at her, her eyes searching mine. "What the hell Coco?" She asks before I release her and look back to the others. "She's got a warrant. Where does she have to go? That white kid? There's no way he'd hide her out. And in Santo Padre she'd be in jail as soon as she hit the edge of town." Ez says, holding the collar of his kutte. "Nah she ain't going there. She'd go back to where she was last. Did she ever tell you guys where that was?" I ask, looking out of the windows. "No. She didn't speak about her past to us. What about you?" Angel questions me. "Only what she said in the room earlier. Besides drug use and coming home. Why she left the places she went and stayed at never came up. Ain't got a chance to get that far. Remember?" I spit at him, running my hands through my hair. "Clubs got all paths into Santo Padre on alert. No word." Gilly says, walking inside. I head for the door pushing past everyone. "Where the fuck are you going?" Gilly asks, turning back to me. I grab the door handle looking back at them. "To go find my old lady." I tell them. "Ol' lady." Guadalupe mutters, rubbing her throat. I scoff and look at Vicki. "Get your girl's mouth in control. Before you got one less." I tell her, walking out slamming the door behind me. I slide my gloves on heading for my bike. I noticed a piece of paper on it.

"Coco. I want to love you. I feel like it should be us. But you are right. We push. Then something happens that pulls us apart. Fate isn't showing us we are meant for each other. It's showing us that yeah, we can be good together. But we're not meant for each other. We're no good together. You will always be my forbidden fruit. Don't let them look for me, please. You don't either. There's a chance you won't find me. Just tell my brothers, I love them. And I love you too Coco.

Xoxo, Gab"

Fuck if she had just given me the time to explain. She's so fuckimg impulsive. But I knew who it reminded me of. Myself. I folded the note up and stuffed it in my pocket, hopping on my bike and fastening my helmet before speeding off. I'm gonna find her and bring her home. I know it.

**6 months later**

Not a word from gabbie. Couldn't find her anywhere. Like she vanished off the face of the earth. Son's think Jonah and her ran off together again. Couldn't tell them they were wrong obviously. I shrug it off, as we sit in Templo. "Coco's eyes. Riz. What the fuck? We don't get retaliation? Because some whiteboy club says so and the three kings agreed?" Angel spits, tapping the table. "No one is dead. That's the deal. We have to make this gun deal work." Bish states, leaning back. I put my cigarette out sliding myself away from the table. "I lost my fucking vision. No one else. And Riz sits in a fucking bed on a machine. I don't care what their president wanted before he died. I want a fucking eye for an eye!" I growl, walking out of templo. "Hey! I know you're upset about the Reyes sister. Nows not the time to get your feelings jumbled up!" Bish calls out, watching me ignore him. I head for the bar grabbing a beer and the vicodin out of my pocket. I pop two and wash them down. Fuck this club and fuck this town.

Gabriela's POV

I lay back, letting the feeling of euphoria rush over me, closing my eyes as the room spun. 10 months of sobriety just to relapse. I can hear footsteps enter the trailer. "Gabbie. Gabbie." They say, shaking me. I can barely hold My eyes open. Butterfly stands over me. "What?" I munble, barely coherent as he moves to the side, revealing an erratically creepy old man standing next to him. "Isaac wants a few words. " he tells me, walking past him and out of the trailer. "Butterfly tells me you know someone with loads of heroin. See, keeping that from me. That's a breach of trust my little flower. I want that. For us, for everyone here in our community of lost souls. We need you to help us get it gabbie." He says, dancing around like a clown. "What? I'm not- I never dealt in club business that's not how it worked." I say, slowly, almost inaudible, jumbled words. "See I'm afraid gabbie you can find a way. Because if you don't. You're not contributing to the community." He states, smiling wickedly. " I mean. I could settle the community about it if, you of course, did something for me." He says, twirling around. "Like...like whatt?" I mumble closing my eyes slowly. I heard something metal hit the ground, Isaac stood there fully in the nude. "No. I don't-nah I'm just...I gotta go find Coco..." I mutter out, trying to keep my head up. He laughs, deeply. I'm terrified as he pushes me back onto the cot of the trailer, pinning my hands. "Shhh it'll be our little secret. Flower." He whispers in my ear. I'm so loaded I can't fight back. I see flashes of Isaac on top of me while I miserably try to fight him off. I try muttering anything. Everything. But all I can manage is, "Johnny...anyone..." I cried out barely above a whisper. When Isaac's finished I can hear him call for butterfly. He stands over me along with Isaac still, as I try to sit up. Butterfly helps me. "Hit her. Not in the left forearm. Those veins are shot. She earned her fix." Isaac tells him, patting him, before strolling out. Butterfly ties the tourniquet around my arm, fixing a needle. "You...we're my....my...friend..." I try to speak out to Butterfly. "I'm sorry gab. That's how you join the family. You're one of us now...lost. broken. But you earned this." He tells me, injecting the diluted heroin into my arm. I fall back, drifting into nothing but pitch black.

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