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Coco's POV

I stand over the body that lays in the Reyes family house. Angel walks in, curious. "Where's gab? What the fuck happened?" He questioned, looking around before stomping off to Gabriela's bedroom. I look over at the pale white boy bleeding on the floor. Ez doesn't say anything, but continues to move the body around. "Holy shit" He says, rolling the kid onto his back. His shirt read, 'SOA'. "I know, boyscout. Didn't exactly plan this shit." I spit at him in frustration. He laughs, looking up to check for Angel. "Who is he?" He asks, folding him up in the rug. I sigh, sitting on the ground against the table. "K don't fucking know. Gabbie called I just heard muffled sounds and whimpering. Came and checked it out and this Fool was holding her at knife point so I shot him." I explain running my hand through my hair. "Did she see?" He questions, looking over at me. I just nod. He sighs standing up. "This might fuck with her sobriety if she knew him personally. " he states, walking towards her bedroom. "She owed him money. It was Packers son" I call out. EZ and Angel both come back to the living room. "What?" They ask in unison. I kick the youngsters leg. "His dad is a Son." I tell them, standing up. Angel shoves me. "What the fuck were you even doing around gabbie?" He yells, shoving me once more. I go to shove him back and EZ steps in. "Fuck you, I saved your junkie sisters life!" I yell back, pulling away from EZs grasp and adjusting my shirt. Gabbie is in the doorway, tears streaming down her face. Angel glances over at her before she slams the door to her room. "You shouldn't have killed him. This-this is a club problem now." Angel says, pointing to the kid on the floor. Pacing back and forth in disbelief. "He was gonna hurt your sister. The fuck was I supposed to do? If she had called you guys, don't you think you would've done the same?" I question, grabbing my kutte off the floor and slipping it back on. "Man whatever, just, sit with gabbie while we move this fucking body." Angel spits at me. "Nah have the boyscout." I say, kneeling down and grabbing the end of the rug. Angel looks at EZ and continues to help me carry the body. "Look whatever you got going on with gabbie, even as friends, I don't want her knowing club business. The shit we do, she ain't built like me and my brother." Angel says, lugging the carpet down the back steps. I nod, watching my footing. "Ain't nothing going on. I don't think she meant to even call me." I say, making it down the steps. "We'll hide it in the garage until night and take him somewhere else." He explains, guiding us. "Are we gonna tell bish?" I ask, looking at Angel. He shakes his head 'no'. We set the body down, covering the rug with a tarp. We head back inside, Ez is coming out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "She's asleep. I'll wait here until pops is home." He states, leaning against the doorframe. We nod, heading to the door.

Gabriela's POV

I wake up, hearing a creak from the living room. I panick slightly before I realize that Jonah is dead. Coco killed him. And he rejected me. That was so embarrassing. He just saw me as a junkie, like everyone else. This fragile human being who, at the slightest inconvenience, will shoot up again. I let out a breath and stare at the ceiling. I'm a much better person sober, I remind myself. I shake the empty feeling away and get off the bed, checking my phone. 7:30. There's a meeting somewhere in this town. I step out of my room to find dad in the living room passed out in his chair. I grab the throw blanket, and cover him swiftly. I head for the front door slipping out before I wake him. I turn to head down the steps and Angel is standing there smoking, with Coco who can't or won't make eye contact. "Where you running off to?" Angel asks, stomping his cigarette out. "To a meeting. There's usually one at the church up the street around 8." I explain, feeling like a child. "Yeah well, be careful. And pop's is asleep right?" He questions me. I nod and they throw their hoods on and head for the garage. I panick and run for the church. I have to get to this meeting. This shit with Jonah is weighing on me. I make it to the church walking inside the double doors. The chairs are lined up in rows, where about 7 people are seated. All of them spread out. I take a seat in the middle section. A man standing up at the front smiles at everyone and begins to speak. "We also have a new face. Why don't you get up and introduce yourself?" He asks, all eyes landing on me. I clear my throat, standing up and looking around. "My name is Gabbie. And I'm and addict." I say, giving a small smile to the people around the room. "Hi Gabbie" they say in unison. I take my seat and each person individually tells a story from their drug use days or they talk about stuff that's bothering them. I could've chosen to speak. But I can't exactly say, my old drug dealer came around and my brothers friend killed him and now they're moving the body from my garage to a trunk. Yeah not exactly a good idea. My mind keeps going to the moment Coco rejected me. I can't believe he told me no. I'm pulled back to reality by the guy giving his closing statement. "Now remember, any substance can?" He asks everyone, and in unison we reply back with "lead to a substance." He nods and claps, pointing to the refreshments. I came to the meeting to feel welcome with people who understand. And I didn't catch any of it because of Coco. God what was wrong with me? I nearly had sex less than 20 feet from a dead body. Maybe that's why Coco said no. Or maybe it was my age. But it could've also been how I looked, too? I mean, I've gained weight, but not enough to even look bloated. I walk out of the doors and towards the parking lot when I spot Coco, dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, leaned against his car. He was smoking a cigarette, staring directly at me. Now he wanted to make eye contact? I slowly walk over to him, the cool air making me shiver. "Do you always stalk NA meetings?" I ask, awkwardly looking around. He laughs puffing his cigarette. "Nah, just the ones where the girl I need to apologize to is at." He says, taking one more hit off the cigarette before throwing it on the ground. He blows out the smoke and leans off the car. "Look I'm sorry. If you thought my intentions with you were sexual in anyway. I think you're smart. Amazing. And all that good shit. But I'm not gabbie. I'm a bad person And girls like you, don't need guys like me. We complicate shit. And you don't need complications right now. And I'm sorry for what I said about the kid and death and shit. It's easy for me to see a body like that. Guys I knew were being blown up all around me in the miltary. It was probably hard for you." He explains, looking at me, directly in the eyes. So he was just being friendly? All the sly compliments were just him being nice. Wow. "Girls like me? Damaged ones, right? Because we're never good enough for the guy. Especially when you got old track marks healed over, and a fucking fragile kid mind right?" I argue, walking away. "Gabriela wait!" He calls out. I flip him off, wiping the tears from my eyes. I hear his car start hopefully he's leaving so he doesn't see my pitiful tears. Nope, he slowly pulls up beside me, keeping the car at a slow pace. "Gabbie would you just listen for five seconds? Please." He pleads to me. I scoff. "Coco I've had enough bikers on my case lately. So hearing from another one about how im not good enough is gonna be pretty low on my list" I choke out. He stops the car, parking it and jumping out, pulling me by my arm. He cups my face and kisses me hard. "I never said you weren't good enough. I'm saying I'm not good enough. I complicate shit. I have a short temper. Kids. That's not something you want." He whispers, pulling away from my lips. He wipes the tear streaks on my face. "How do you know what someone else wants?" I question, sniffling. He chuckles. "I don't. But I know what's best for others." He states, pulling me towards the car. I slide in, him following suit. He turns to face me. "Let's just take it slow. See where it goes." He says, putting the car in drive and heading towards my house. "Does Angel know you came down here?" I ask, looking at him. He nods. "Yeah. I told him I'd make sure you got back safe he had to go meet ad- to go meet a friend of his." He says, pulling up to my house. "Did you want to come in?" I question, softly. "Isn't your pops home?" He asks. I let out a laugh. "If you're that concerned I have a bedroom window you can climb through." I say, stepping out. He chuckles and kills the car, stepping out and sneaking up to the door with me. I slowly open it, looking for Papi. He's not in the living room. Coast is clear. I push the door open, quietly stepping inside with Coco following. We quickly and quietly make it to my room, shutting the door. I kick my shoes off and Coco follows suit, examining my room. He studies the pictures in my room. Mostly of me and my brothers growing up. "You really are the best looking Reyes." He jokes, coming over and stretching himself onto the bed. "Do you ever think about all the fucked up shit you did and wonder how you can move on from it?" I ask softly. He rolls over onto his back, staring at the ceiling with me. "You don't ever move on. You bury it. You gotta learn how to suppress it." He states, sitting up. "I heard Angel and EZ talking. Your mom. They said I could relate to you the most?" I question, expecting him to shut down. He sighs and throws himself back, turning his head to look at me. "My mom used. Use to make me help her some of the time." He explains, not breaking the eye contact we have. I feel my cheeks turn hot and red. "What made you decide to get clean?" He asks, whispering. "Jonah. He was gonna join his dad and wanted me to be his old lady. So I had to get clean cuz it was like some rule. So I started getting clean, going to meetings and such, realizing I didn't want to be there. With him. He was fun when I was getting high, but i didn't love him or anything. So i took the cash out of his safe and traveled down here, coming home. I didn't know they were a motorcycle club, though, until today. I just always assumed it was like some gang." I say, fidgeting with my hair. "Yeah, we got an agreement with them. We help them, they help us." He tells me, letting out a yawn. "Like peddle heroin for the cartel, right?" I ask, softly. He sits up and looks at me. "I overheard angel say that to EZ." I explain. "Angel told me he didn't want you knowing club business. Said you were too fragile." He states. I scoff at his answer. "I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm fragile. The more I'm treated that way the more I become fragile." I say with frustration. He gives a small laugh. "Not everything is text book. They don't understand is all. Well, prospect understands more than Angel but not enough." He tells me. I nod. "We do bad shit gabbie. You want the truth. Yeah, we peddle H. But we didn't want to work for the cartel like this. And your brothers friend is suppose to help us get out of it. But you gotta understand the way the club works from here on out. You're not gonna be able to know everything. We're a club before we're a friend or a lover." He explains to me, fidgeting with the bed post.


I wake up finding Coco is gone. He must have snuck out last night. I didn't mean to fall asleep. He covered me up. I smile a bit before unraveling from the covers and standing up. I head for the shower. "Gabriela" papi calls out. I turn back and head for the kitchen. He's standing exactly where Jonah was lying yesterday. "Do you know where the rug went?" He asks, pointing down to the bare floor. "No Papi I was at a meeting yesterday but the boys were here. Maybe one of them?" I question, knowing exactly where the rug really was. He sighs, cursing in spanish under his breath before walking away. I go for the shower again, and once again, I am interrupted. My phone is ringing. I answer it, hearing the woman at the grocery marts voice tell me I got the job. I thank her and run to tell pop's. "I got the job at the grocery!" I say, excitedly. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Good for you mija I told you things would be better" He states, making a cup of coffee. I smile and head back for the shower a third time. Things were starting to look up for me.

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