House Of The Rising Sun

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Coco's POV

I throw the cigarette to the ground, waiting on Letti to come out of the store. I see the red Honda Ez helped gabbie purchase. It was old, but still ran. Letti gets in the car, tossing the groceries in the back. "Damn, what took you so long? I sent you in there for milk and eggs." I say, starting the car. She looks at me, crossing her arms. "Well, why didn't you just go in yourself? You never needed my help buying groceries before." She states. I roll my eyes, pulling out of the parking lot. "Whatever." I say, driving back home. The drive is short, letti gets out, walking towards the house. "You're not gonna grab this shit?" I ask, killing the engine. She turns, walking backward. "I went in and got it. You can carry it in." She tells me, flipping back around. "Fuckin lazy ass kid" I speak to myself, grabbing the bag and stepping out of the car, heading for the house. I step inside and put the milk and eggs in the fridge, grabbing a beer and popping the cap and swigging. I should've just went in myself. Atleast so I could see gabbie.  Just for a split second. I shrug the feeling and grab my gloves, heading for my bike. I fasten the helmet and slide my gloves on, heading for Vicki's.

Gabriela's POV

I scan the six cans of corn this frail older lady is buying, tensing every time I hear the beep. "Your total is five dollars and sixteen cents." I tell her, before she hands me a coupon. I scan it. "Two dollars and eleven cents." I tell her, as she hands me three dollars. Don't worry about the change sweetheart" she says, grabbing her bag of technically corn. "Hi I hope you found everything you were looking for-" I'm cut off. "Gabriela Reyes?" He says. I look up from scanning. "I'm sorry do I know you?" I ask, scanning more of his items. He laughs. "Mr. Perino's history class, sophomore year. It's Jed. I sat behind you." He explains, giving a small laugh. "Ohhh okay. Sorry I didn't recognize you." I tell him, still trying to remember him from school. "Yeah once you get your braces off and your acne goes away people tend to not remember." He says, standing at the register. I smile and nod. "So when did you come back to S.P.?" He asks, tapping his fingers on the little slate people use to write checks. "About 4 months ago." I answer, scanning the last of his items. "Your total is fifty-nine seventy." I tell him. He was cute. Wispy blonde hair, perfect teeth, tall, And he knew me from school, even if I didn't remember him. But drug use can have effects on memory. He hands me the money. "Here's your change." I say, handing it to him along with the receipt.  He smiles and nods. "It was good seeing you. Maybe we can go out sometime and catch up or something." He says, holding up the line. Was he asking me out? Me? "Like a date?" I ask, confused. "Yeah if you want it to be." He says, smirking. I blush. I'd never been asked on a Date before. "Just say yes so we can all get rung up" some Karen lady calls from the back of the line. "Uh sure. I go on my break in 5 I can give you my number then." I tell him, grabbing the phone and calling for Sara. She cheerily walks up. "Can you take over so I can go on my twn minute?" I ask. She nods. "Hi Jed." She says, taking my place. I follow him out, heading into the hot Santo Padre heat. He places his bags, in a very nice, very new chevy SUV before handing me his phone. I add my number into it and hand it back. He smiles at me again. "You haven't changed a bit Gabriela Reyes." He states, eyeing me. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused. I've changed completely since high school. He laughed while glancing down at his feet before looking up at me. "You still don't smile." He says, stepping into his car. He gives a small wave as he pulls out and drives away. I have a date. I have a date? I walk back inside shrugging my thoughts away. Sara is grinning ear to ear. "Someone has an admirer." She jokes, scanning the Karen ladies things. I stick my tongue out at her walking back to the break room.

Coco's POV

"Adelita.  That's your baby right?" Gilly asks Angel.  He nods, letting out a sigh before standing up. "I gotta go vet this kid gabbie is going out with tonight." He states, glancing over at me to see my reaction. "What are you looking at me for? It's your sister." I mutter, inhaling smoke. He shakes his head strolling out. I grab a beer, popping the top and chugging.  "For someone who doesn't care, you sure are down that beer carnal." Gilly pipes up. I shrug. "Just thirsty. " I say, hitting the cigarette again. He chuckles sipping his beer. Who cares if she was going out with some kid. Can't be too bad if Angel isn't upset over it. I run my hands through my hair.

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