2 flashback

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Bring back years ago when the two of you are young.

"Hello To you Ma'am! "Mom said to our neighbor we're new here around this place and i look everywhere till i laid my eyes on to the same age boy whose walking across to us while there was a Woman who's waving her hand to us probably that's his mother.

"Hello New neighbors how's your first day here?-Anyways i am sorry about that i didn't welcome you all when the first day u came here-"The woman was cutted of by my mom energetic voice.
"No it's Fine! oh..!who's that kiddo beside you"Mom saw a kid beside the woman who's smiling at her.

"Hola senyora"He said mom was clueless about he said but the woman explained "he's my son Alexis he just only say hello from you"Mom was amized "Wow! hello Alexis! oh by the way meet my daughter too!
She's y/n,Y/n Say hello to him!"Mother says i move my eyed in the kid and he smiles from me because of it i smiled too 'i think he was the a good friend'i thought.

Suddenly he holds my hand and pulled me across to their house i heard the gasp of my mom and the woman the mother of this kid holding me.

He stops infront of their gardening area he pointed on the planted colorful flowers i smiled and said "Wow that's beautiful flowers cool!"

"no! not the flowers look from the grass properly!" he said

i look carefully until i saw a small of statue of duck?

i found it cute.
and again he pulled me close into it.

we sat together infront of it
i hold it with the point of my finger
Suddenly the kid holds my shoulder "boo! haha" he laugh and i dumbfounded of what he did.

"Anyways let's introduce ourselves again my name is Alexis or call me alex for short"he holds my hand and shake it "My name is y/n or call me by my n/n hehe"i laugh.

"Our child getting a long well They're cute!"your mother said

[Author's important note]
>It was really important to read these flashback.

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