Prologue: The beginning of change

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3rd pov

    Glynda remembers when she first met her husband. She was still in her mid twenties at the time and it was storming out. He was stumbling through the rain looking tired and malnourished. What stood out about him was the fact that he had a large pair of copper wings, his arms up to his elbows and legs up to his knees had scales on them that had small parts jutting out of them, making it physically difficult to wear long sleeved shirt or pants. His feet weren't human like at all but more draconic with claws coming out of his toes and one smaller claw coming out of the back of his foot. His hands were also slightly draconic looking for instead of fingernails they had these sharp, slighty curve claws that looked like they could c carve through almost anything.Then there was his face, despite the rest of him looking so malnourished his face still looked healthy somehow. His face also had scales on his cheeks and not only that but he had copper colored hair and his eyes were the same color has his scales. Then to top it all off he had these horns on his head shaped almost like lightning bolts but they had an ivory color to them.

    Glynda would then come to find out after nursing back to health that he had come from Menagerie. It turned out that he wasn't a dragon faunus but instead one of the few remaining full blooded dragons, and that the reason for him being in Vale was that his clan was attacked by enemy full bloods called the red scale clan. His father remained in Menagerie to "defend" it while he himself took this chance to getaway from his controlling grasp.

    After getting to know each other for a few years they eventually married and Glynda took up her last name to not stand out so much, or at least as much as man can when he has wing, horns, is covered in scales and has feet that make him unable to wear any shoes or else his claws would destroy them within a few minutes. They would eventually have a son named Kahn Alexander Copperscale Goodwitch, he ended up having the same scale and hair color has his father but his eyes were the same color as his mother. The happiness of there family wouldn't last for long though because tragedy struck when several red scale full blooded dragons came to kill her husband. He told Glynda keep their son hidden so they wouldn't kill him as well. Not even a full year old yet and Kahn was now fatherless but Glynda was determined raise her son up right no matter what, so she went to ozpin to help look for any and all information possible involving raising a full blooded dragon.

    As the years would pass Glynda would come to find out that a full blooded copperscale dragon child was far harder then dealing with a bunch of hormonal teenagers at beacon. Kahn would get sick ALOT while growing up and Glynda had no idea why, plus it didn't help that Ozpin hadn't found anything involving raising full blooded dragon yet to the point of him having to get some of his contacts involved in the hunt for information on it for the fear of what would happen to him if Glynda's son died to an illness. Funnily enough as luck would have it right on Kahn's third birthday just having come down from his 20th heavy fever that year, Qrow would arrive at Glynda's on campus house with a really old book called "almost all you need to know on dragons of the many scale types extinct or not" This was what she needed and was so happy about getting this book that she hugged Qrow tightly surprising greatly. With this book she found out why Kahn was getting sick so much, it was because Copperscales have much weaker immune system compared to the other scale types which is made up for by the fact that Copperscales heal from injuries far faster than the rest of the oth3r scale types. She also came to find out that once he hit the age of 7 he was going to be very temperamental and territorial due to his full blooded nature.

    Over the next couple of years Kahn would show an immense interest in fighting and learning just about everything which made getting him to study much easier for Glynda so long as it wasn't math which he almost entirely refused to do. He ended up showing a large amount of talent in fighting and history that by the age of ten he had strayed to get trained by Ozpin, Glynda, sometimes Qrow and by multiple martial artists because he preferred to use his claws, fist, elbows and legs to fight rather than weapons because he just couldn't get a hang of them. Some time prior to that he had found out what his semblance was when he proceeded to get struck by lightning ten times in a row only to turn out to be more than okay but to be able to conjure up his own lightning and fire it all out at once to the sky above and see it travel off in some odd direction all in all weird Thursday. At the age of 12 he had found out that he the ability to use draconic magic which was very aggressive in nature and could be easily affected by his mood so Glynda helped him get better control of his emotions. By the age of fourteen he had the capabilities to tag along on missions with a group of huntsman or 4th year beacon students and so because of that he was admitted into beacon earlier than any other person before him to further hone his skills and to better keep a eye on him.

    He would often think back on some of the things that he got involved in the years prior to his third year at beacon. There was that one time he flew off randomly to a dead land when his wings got strong enough to carry him. There he encountered a woman with a white cloak losing a fight to some weird lady that's skin was a pure white and smelled like grimm. Something didn't feel right about her and he felt an intense rage he didn't even understand when looking at the grimm smelling lady to the point that he hadn't even noticed he was roaring and breathing lightning at her which was sending her flying from the sheer force of it. He then helped the white cloaked lady up proceeded to pick her up by her arms confusing her and then with out saying anything to her took off flying back in the direction of beacon to later find out her name was summer something or other, he was to hungry to remember the rest of it and was wanting several helpings of his mother's home cooked stake. Then there was the time he met team CVFY during his second year the other teams didn't catch his interest because he kept smelling a rabbit whenever he was around velvet and he wasn't sure why until her top hat fell of in the middle of the combat training class which made him shout out loud "YOU'RE THE RABBIT I SMELT SINCE DAY ONE!" Which resulted I him getting smacked on the back of his head by his mother. He would also get to be known for fighting and sometimes breaking the bones of the bullys around the school because he couldn't hold back his strength when dealing with them.

                END OF PROLOGUE                 

Alright so the next chapter will be the start of Kahn's third year which will be just after the the initiation of volume one. Please let me know your thoughts on this in the comments and tell me if there is anything I can do to improve this. Also sorry for any mistakes I made while wrighting this.

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