Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai

Start from the beginning

Misako *ughhh* fine.

The three of you continued on your merry way, strolling deeper into Crosstown in search of this mysterious "creepy guy" that Mizuzu talked about. It seemed ridiculous trying to use such a vague description to find someone, but the girls seemed fully intent on it being some kind of perfect descriptor.

It was about half an hour walking around the streets before you hit your limits. In that time all that had been accomplished was your legs getting tired and Misako and Kyoko glaring suspiciously at every other person on the street. It was dreadfully boring, and about halfway through you stopped looking for the guy and defaulted to subtly staring at your friends asses. Though after awhile even that couldn't help as You walked backwards slightly ahead of the two, talking to them as you walked.

Y/n: You know If we left now we could get to the movie theatre as it opens for first showings. And the new sharktopus movie is out, let that sink in.

Misako: No Y/n, we're looking for the guy Mizuzu told us about. Not going to the Movies.

Kyoko: Plus I've never seen the first one.

Misako: That too, so Y/n How about you focus on finding our guy instead of movies.

Y/n: I'd love to but I don't know who we're looking for.

Kyoko: The creepy guy

Y/n: So what does this guy look like?

Kyoko: He's creepy!

Y/n: That's not a description, it's a single adjective with no context. What are we supposed to be doing, interrogating every suspicious guy we see?

Misako: Well it's all we got so if you have any better ideas, I'm listening

Y/n: I'm not saying I have any better ideas, I'm just saying it's not like some creeper is gonna jump out and—

????: Oh Hey There!

You screeched In Fear as a stranger spoke up from right behind you. On instinct you leapt forward in an attempt to get away from whoever this was, hopping off the grounds and latching onto an equally startled Kyoko, though she kept her cool slightly better then You, though still visibly freaked out by the random creeper.

 On instinct you leapt forward in an attempt to get away from whoever this was, hopping off the grounds and latching onto an equally startled Kyoko, though she kept her cool slightly better then You, though still visibly freaked out by the random ...

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Your red headed friend squeaked in surprise as she instinctively wrapped her arms around you to support your weight. At first the surprised carry caused her legs to buckle, but she quickly gained firmer footing. Beside you both Misako looked ready to fight as she bared when teeth in surprised anger.

 Beside you both Misako looked ready to fight as she bared when teeth in surprised anger

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