Kimmble: 'If you're aware, are you willing to share just who you are the reincarnations of?'

Lady Potter: 'While we do know, we aren't willing to announce that knowledge. It is an intimate secret between myself and my husband. We are willing to share that while we are by no means them, the most recent reincarnation was Myrrdlin Aurelius and Morganna Le Fay, someone(s) who we find ourselves descended from.'

Kimmble: 'I must say, Lady Potter, that is a very strong claim. Many out there would wish to see you harm because of this knowledge.'

Lord Potter: 'We're aware. However, there is a singular man who knows the original incarnation of our souls. The knowledge of such was discovered during the time of Myrrdlin and Morganna. It brought about the end of Luarthur Pendragon and this table of Knights, as well as our two hailed magical beings. My threat and warning are issued to him. I only hope it is heeded, because the past will not be brought upon the present.'

Kimmble: 'Of course, I'm able to understand the process of giving due warning in defense of your family. Now, before we end this interview, I'd like to question about your current project. I hold the knowledge that you are establishing a community for both Magical and Muggle people?'

Lord Potter: 'Not quite. The woman who I consider my elder sister, the new Mrs. Malfoy, isn't of a magical background. She has been dubbed the 'Brightest Witch of Our Age', something which she earned because of not only her magical prowess, but also because of her intellect. If she wasn't so stubborn, she would be a better Slytherin than the Black and Malfoy families combined. Many of my friends are from either nonmagical or only half-magical backgrounds. My mother herself was of a nonmagical birth. Her sister, my aunt, and for all intents and purposes my mum, is a squib. I always thought that the trouble we go to just to hide our magic around our family is too bothersome. With the permission and help of Heir Seamus Finnegan, Clan Potter have pooled our resources and are not only restoring his ancestral land but are building a community there. It will be home to many muggles who know about magic because of a child or sibling. It is my hope that it will be a step in bettering the relationship between those ignorant of both worlds.'

Kimmble: 'Being a half-blood with a muggle sister, I'm extremely interested in this project. What are you doing to bridge the minds of ignorance?'

Lady Potter: 'During the last year of Hogwarts terms, Hadrian has been working in union with the staff. He was able to implement a traditional Samhain celebration alongside the Halloween Dance. During such, we and many purebloods explained the history and importance of our Pagan roots. He was also able to do such for Yule and Christmas, as well as many of our spring hols.'

Lord Potter: 'Meath, the name of the settlement and of the ancestral Finnegan land, has already been green-lighted by Queen Elizabeth and Taoiseach Bruton. As our muggle counterparts who are aware of magic, I needed their permission for my project. I also saw fit to warn them of Tom Riddle to ensure the proper safety measures were taken to prevent the many murders during his rise to power from happening again.'

Kimmble: 'Was revealing yourself to them such a good idea, Lord Potter? Also, are you going to continue to combat ignorance after Meath is constructed?'

Lord Potter: 'Madam Bones, Longbottom, and McGonagall-Evans joined me for the meeting. I ensured to have the proper permissions to speak with Queen Elizabeth and Taoiseach Bruton. To answer your other question, yes, I am. In order to do such, I'm currently running a small community of both Magical and Muggle construction teams who reside there currently. I am also in contact with the Goblin Nation to erect a small bank there. There is currently a singular goblin there that pays the crews out of Vaults in the names of Longbottom, Bones, Malfoy-Black, and myself. I and Finnegan are supplying the needed material to build Meath. We have several plans that not only educate but also bring together, both counterparts of the populace. We are in the process of combining modern technology and magical currents to ensure the living standard. Training programs that will ensure proper procedures and protections will be implemented for both Magical and Muggles for the greenhouses, Apothecary, and other such businesses. We are attempting something that could bring our world closer together and unite several of us with estranged parents or siblings just because we have magic and they don't.'

Kimmble: Excuse me for laughing, I understand why your friends would call you a royal title. What you are attempting is extremely admirable and inspiring. I find myself in awe at the fact that you're only seventeen and have already accomplished such. I'd like to thank you both for your time today and compliment your accomplishments of not only finding friends who will stand with you in such times but also for beginning your family.'"


The man cursed loudly. Not only did they know who they were, but also called him out. Although, it wasn't just a warning to him. It told him that his prey had many enemies lurking in the dark.

Seventeen? Meath? This young man not only knew he was powerful but he surrounded himself with other powerful individuals and they were all using their power for the betterment of others.

Maybe he needed to meet with this Hadiran and Daphne. He planned to use his element of unknown to gather knowledge and hunt his prey silently. That was pissed away by just what he read. He knew he needed help, and he knew that he needed to go to the continent. He needed to speak to an old friend.

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