Ch 11 TW Miscarriage

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I let out a scream as I reach out for Arkell.

He reaches out to grab me but misses by an inch.

Rocks fall all around me. I pass a tree branch that cuts my arm deeply. I hit the water hard, my blood clouding around me. My vision is cloudy and I struggle to get to the surface. I can't breathe! I feel a presence behind me, it feels untrustworthy. I look around and I see a shark swimming around me. Panicking, I flail my arms toward the surface and kick as hard as I can.

He comes up behind me caressing my injured arm.

A black ring forms around my vision

He bares his sharp teeth and bites into my ear hard.

I try to pull away from him but his skin is impossible to get a grip on.

He lets my arm go and forces his lips on mine and I can suddenly breathe again.

As I catch my breath I stare into his pitch-black eyes. It's like they have no soul in there.

My arm pulses from the pain.

He releases my lips and looks around. He screeches in a high pitch and I have to cover my ears.

I look around and see that there's a bunch of them surrounding me. I make my way to the surface and gasp for air. I swim towards the beach as fast as I can, but he catches up to me quickly.

He pulls me close to him like he's protecting me from something.

I hear shouting from the beach. When I look over it's Damien and Comae. I try to break free but he won't let me go. "Help me!" Y arm continues to throb. Am I still bleeding? I look and I don't see any red. I lift my arm and there's no cut, it's just gone.

I hear wings flapping toward us. I follow the sound and see Arkell flying toward us.

He uses his talons and grabs me.

When he tries to lift me, the shark boy grabs onto me and pulls me back into the air.

He screeches at Arkell.

He screeches back. "Release her at once, Feral!"

Feral? I look into his eyes and see the same sadness I've seen in Comae. "Arkell, wait. Just go to the beach."

"What?" He asks surprised.

"Trust me." I grasp the shark boy's hand and gently pull him toward the beach.

He reluctantly swims with me.

We get up to the sand and I collapse onto it. I didn't realize my heart was pounding. My head starts to ache like someone is repeatedly hitting me.

Damien pulls me out of the water, holding me close.

He bares his teeth and growls.

The shark boy retracts a little bit.

"Fae, what's on your face?" Comac asks.


He pokes a spot just beside my right eye. "This". He looks closer and tries to wipe it away. "Damien, look"

They both look at it in shock.

"What is it?"

"It's a spousal tribal mark, he forced one onto you in the water."

A crowd gathers around us.

"Is she okay?"

"I watched her fall from the cliff"

"Is that a feral?"

I look at the shark boy and he climbs onto the sand.

He attempts to stand up on his legs but ends up collapsing.

My Beastmen Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now