-Um.. I am going to see my...erm...mum- I say nervous- I am Maddie by the way- I wave at her- I'll see you around Chase.

She waves me back with the fakest smile in the world.

I could feel my eyes filling with tears. Why was I so jealous? I could have told him everything in the car but I don't know why I couldn't. Of course I felt that, I loved the way he treated people, I loved the way he looked when he was laughing, I loved the way he cared about me as if I was her little sister, I loved his forehead kisses, I loved his morning coffees, I love the way his clothes fitted on me, I loved his eyes, I loved how passionate he was with work, I loved how goofy he could be, I loved when he was drunk, I loved the mole that he had in his cheek, I loved the random pictures that he would take of me, I loved the way he treated people, I loved his morning voice. Well, I love* those things because I still feel everything, I feel butterflies being around him every time and I wish I could have told him everything but my mouth couldn't, maybe my brain wasn't prepared. Maybe I wanted to think that I was but I wasn't.

-Maddie...Maddie..honey??- my mom asks.

-Oh..erm hi mom- I say trying to fake a smile.

-Are you ok?? you look pale honey- she says getting worried.

-I just need to eat you know, I am starving- I say between fake laughs.

-Well, I brought you your favorite dessert!!!- she says as if she was more excited than me- I made sure Chase and Rudy didn't eat everything.

-True- says Rudy from the back- I had to steal Madison's sandwich because I was starving.

-I'll make you more- my mom says smiling to him.

-Thankss pamm- he says and hugs her.

Honestly the whole cast loved my mom and I understood, she was the sweetest human.

-Hey Maddie have you seen Chase??- Bailey says from the back of the room, sitting on a chair eating half of a sandwich.

-Oh...erm he is with his.. girlfriend- I say trying not to cry.

-That slut came to set????- she says standing up- excuse my French- she says to my mum.

And now my mum was going to find out about his toxic girlfriend. Could something good happen today??

-Im sorry but that girl is not going to sleep in the same apartment as me- Rudy says.

-What did she do exactly??- my mom asks getting interested.

-Nothing too bad- I answer fast.

-A lot of shitty things- Madison answers at the same time as I did. Rudy and her immediately look at me with an are-you-kidding-me? kind of look.

-She cheated on him multiple times, she is responsible for most of his panic attacks, she manipulates him so he can't break up with her and whenever they argue she would tell every single one of their friends so they'll be against him. He didn't have anyone else since they were in the same group, but you know..... NOTHING TOO BAD- he says looking at me when he says the NOTHING TOO BAD thing.

-Oh my gosh, poor Chase- my mom says drinking some water.

I was going to cry again omg were my hormones okay??

-He truly deserves better- Madison says.

-Well, that slut isn't going to taste my delicious dessert- my mom says.

-Mooom?!??- I say surprised

Madison and Rudy start clapping and yelling, they literally loved her so much.

-Heyy what are we celebrating??- a female voice says entering in the room, I turn around and I see chase's girlfriend or xio which i think that was her name.

-Ummm...that Maddie's mom is the best- Rudy says confused. Chase has obviously showed us some pictures of her so he probably recognized her.

-Oh...My name is Xio nice to meet you!- she says smiling and shaking my mom's hand.
Madison and I immediately share a what-is-she-doing look.

Chase enters now the room and Rudy leaves just saying to Chase- I'll see you in 5, we have a scene together don't forget- he seemed angry and I did not know why.

-Maddie Bailey!!!- Emmie says.

-Goingg emmie- bailey yells and leaves the room- see you later maddie.

When everyone leaves there is an awkward silence in the room till chase decides to say -Hey Pam- waving at my mom.

-How did your scene go??- my mom asks us.

-Um...pretty great- I say answering quickly.

-Yeah...um it was a short one- he says as if he was nervous, i mean he always acts more natural with my mom and i do not like the fact that he seems upset or even awkward now because of his girlfriend presence.

-Well Maddie I'll see you later this week and hopefully Chase you'll come to my house, it's been so long since you last visited- she says kissing my cheek and hugging him- byee.

-Mum he literally visited last week- I say laughing.

-That's a lot of time!!- she yells almost crashing with a camera.

So now it was the three of us in the room. I was sitting on the small table eating the delicious dessert while Chase looked at something on his phone and his girlfriend curiously looked around the room. Of course I understood that chase looked sadder or maybe more uncomfortable right now because he almost told me how he felt and that he was going to break up with her but i don't know, his eyes just don't look as always.

-So um...when can we leave babyy??- xio asks chase pouting and doing a childish dance as if she was crying. I immediately get the ick.

-Um I have to film a long scene as soon as we finish eating so not till 8ish- he says not even looking at her and biting his sandwich. If we weren't that uncomfortable we will probably be sharing the dessert and messing around but with her right here that doesn't seem as the best idea.

I am so confused right now that i don't even know where to start thinking, i feel so bad because maybe i am the cause of a break up but at the same time I want them to, she has made him miserable. It was awful seeing him watching her not even missing him. Of course I have some feelings but I wouldn't ever kiss a guy who is in a relationship, and he told me that he was going to be single soon so maybe i was going to be able to do that.
I just stare at her thinking about how she had cheated on this guy several times, how she had manipulated him. Who on planet earth would do that to a guy like him.

-So um... baby what is your scene about- she asks him kissing every inch of his face.

-Um...i can't tell you- he says smiling trying to bite his sandwich while she kept doing whatever thing that she was doing. Seriously if that was her way to make him horny i was going to have some serious problems.

-But someone called Jonathan I think? Told me that I could watch some scenes- she says pouting, again.

-Oh um Jonas??- he asks without paying attention.

-Yeahh!!! that one!!- she says hugging him. She literally acted like a high schooler with her first boyfriend.

-So i guess you can watch me then- he says looking at me but i immediately take my look away.

-Umm so Maddie you don't talk or what??- she says like this popular mean girl.

-Yes I do, but I like to keep myself concentrated while i am working- i say faking a smile- i am heading to my trailer see you later- i say to him handing him his trailer keys.

heyy just wanted to clarify that i just used Xiomara's name in order to make the story more "realistic" but her character has nothing to do with her. I don't know her but ofc she's not like that!

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now