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Shake your groove thing, let the rhythm take control,Dance like nobody's watching, let your spirit unfold

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Shake your groove thing, let the rhythm take control,
Dance like nobody's watching, let your spirit unfold.
Feel the music pulsating through your veins,
Let go of inhibitions, break free from the chains.
Shake it, groove it, and let your soul reign.

Amory Madden was a girl of strong morals. She knew what she thought was right and tried not to stray from it often, having a strong conscience keeping her on track. This made her honorable and trustworthy, however, it also made her overthink a lot of situations, having internal debates on different moral dilemmas.

Now, sitting in the gallery watching Meredith's open heart surgery, Amory sipped her coffee and scanned through another article, her head resting on George's shoulder.

"I wish I could hold a heart," George complained.

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina pointed out.

"At least, Mer has a better view. you're just mad because Burke didn't pick you to scrub in." Amory sighed and Cristina frowned at her.

"George, I need more ice chips." Izzie joined them.

"Who else did you invite?" The boy asked.

Amory wasn't one for parties. She liked going to the occasional club, but house parties just felt way too much of a mess. And, to be honest, she knew she was one of the people that would clean up all of it alongside Izzie.

"We said the list was jocks only: surgery, trauma, plastics."

Amory narrowed her eyes at the guilty expression that came on Izzie's face. "Isobel Stevens, who else did you invite?"

"Just some people from peds." She answered with a shrug.

"Some people from peds...! You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house. Next thing you'll say is you invited the shrinks." Cristina complained. At the tall blonde's silence, the curly-haired exclaimed. "She invited mental defect. This party is DOA."

"Cristina, that's not ice. And, by the way, pediatrics is one of the most competitive specialties. Besides, the nurses from there are all really nice." Amory scolded.

"Fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Now happy?"

"Very." She flashed her an adorable smile.

"Meredith thinks this is going to be a small, meet-your-boyfriend, cocktail thing. Did you clear this with her?" George asked, hoping Izzie already did that so they don't have to explain why a lot of people are in her house.

"No, but I will." The three flashed her accusing looks. "I promise!"

"Why are you wasting the only weekend your boyfriend's in town on a big party? Is he bad in bed?" Amory giggled and Cristina looked at her with a soft smile.

"No, I just want him to meet some of my friends."

"Right. Sixty geeks in scrubs are your friends." Cristina's pager went off and she got up to leave. "Bad sex, sucks for you."

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