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Deny, deny, deny, a game some may play,Avoiding the truth, hoping it will fade away

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Deny, deny, deny, a game some may play,
Avoiding the truth, hoping it will fade away.
But honesty is key, to face what's real,
To heal and grow, and let authenticity reveal.
So let's embrace the truth, in it's rawest display.

That night at Joe's bar wasn't anything too special, but it felt like the perfect night. It wasn't too crowded but there were just enough people to make it seem like you didn't stick out like a sore thumb. Music was playing in the background, but Amory didn't pay attention to it as she was gazing at her boyfriend, still needing to get used to that. The two of them were sitting at a table along with Meredith. Miranda was eating some peanuts at the bar, totally ignoring that the interns were just a few meters away from her. The owner himself was mixing drinks behind the bar and paced a glass of wine in front of a customer. Not far from the table was Izzie who was waiting for her drink and not so subtle sneaking glances at Ales, who was across the room, throwing darts. He noticed her looking and smiled back at her. With a smile on her lips, she grabbed her drink and walked over to the table with George, Meredith, and Amory who were sitting with their own drinks and snacks.

"I don't know, when I left Cristina said she was okay," George explained, having been the last one to check on the curly-haired woman.

"Nobody goes through what she went through and is totally over it by now," Izzie reasoned, making hand gestures as she took a sip of her drink.

"Cristina can." George shrugged.

"She's fine," Meredith stated, playing with the straw of her drink.

"Too fine. She's cold," The tall blonde said.

"Have you met Cristina?" Amory sarcastically said, downing the rest of her drink. "She's hard-core. She does what she has to get through."

"She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube. And she's acting like she doesn't even care.," Izzie explained, not understanding Cristina's thought process. Amory slightly rolled her eyes, sometimes Izzie could be oversensitive. She and Cristina were total opposites, one cared too much and the other cared too little. "She's all, 'hello, I'm totally fina' person. I mean, she's my friend too, but she's acting like she has no emotions or warmth... like she's missing a soul."

"Again, have you met Cristina?" Amory repeated in the same tone of voice as previously.

George slightly chuckled. "God, she is gonna make a great surgeon." He admired.

"George," Izzie warned.

"It's true," He continued. "You show no weakness, you make it to the top."

"Some people just keep their feelings to themselves." Meredith shortly explained, looking at the tall blonde.


As the interns, except for Izzie and Cristina, enter their patient's room along with their resident, they find a crowd surrounding the woman.

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