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Grandma got run over by a reindeer, what a sight!But don't worry, my friend, she's doing alright

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Grandma got run over by a reindeer, what a sight!
But don't worry, my friend, she's doing alright.
With a twinkle in her eye and a smile so bright,
She's dancing with the reindeer, under the starry night.

Christmas was not a big deal for Amory. She never had the traditional stocking or putting up a Christmas tree, or even opening presents on Christmas morning. She would rather just forget about the holiday. It was one of the few days her parents were sober enough to care about her, because family members, who still were in contact with them, came to visit. However, not once did they do something traditional like she heard other kids in school talk about.

Amory let out a sigh as she stared at the water droplets on her bedroom window. She had a view of the street and houses surrounding them, it was actually fairly pretty at night and with snow. Her tiredness made it seem like the lights were twinkling which just added to the beauty of it all. But seeing it raining and snowing at that moment, she slightly pities Meredith, who was currently outside walking their dog, Doc. Meredith and Izzie had adopted him ground the pound after Izzie lost one of the quintets. Amory was still slightly mad at what Izzie had said but decided to hide it whenever she was around the tall blonde.

Someone knocked on her door which made her turn her head towards it. It was open and George was standing in the doorway. "Hey, what's up?" George had very messy hair and his clothes were bunched up in places, telling Amory that he had just woken up.

"Just wanted to say good morning." He said as he walked in and gave her a sweet kiss that lingered on her lips for a few seconds afterward. I, do you know where Meredith is? I wanted to ask her something."

"She's walking Doc like she does every morning," Amory said with a teasing smirk on her face. George shot her a playful glare and scoffed as he made his way downstairs. Amory quickly followed him to the living room right when the front door opened, revealing a drenched Meredith and Doc. Amory's eyes widened when she noticed the enormous Christmas tree that Izzie was decorating.

"Looks like Santa threw up in here," George commented.

"Just... go with it. We're being supportive." Meredith said, understanding that Izzie's coping method was obsessively decorating a tree.

"Oh, hey! What do you think?" Izzie asked, finally noticing them. They all fake-smiled. "Did I go too overboard? Oh, I know, I know sometimes I can go a little overboard." Wanting to spare the blonde's feelings, they all assured her.

"No, it's great."

"We love it."

"it's beautiful."

Hearing only positive comments, obviously brought a big smile to her face. "Oh, yay! I love Christmas."

"We know."

"Clearly," George stated with a forced smile, Izzie turned back around to continue decorating the living room, making the others exchange knowing looks before she turned around again with another smile gracing her lips. They were worried and they silently prayed that she would get over her heartbreak soon since they weren't the biggest fans of the Izzie the obsessively cleaned or decorated.

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