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It's been about ten years since Inosuke and Tanjiro have been dating and they're both about 27 years old.

They both are still in touch with their friends and have fairly well paying jobs.

Inosuke is a personal trainer, and Tanjiro is a counselor for children.

They have plans with Zenitsu, Nezuko, and Genya today, so the both of them are getting ready.

"Inosuke, honey- that's not your shirt, it's mine." Tanjiro says, coming out of the shower.

"No it's not! It's mine, I remember buying it."

"You bought it for me babe."

Inosuke scratches his head. "Oh shit, you're right. I mean- I'll let you win this one time, give me one of my shirts." Inosuke takes off his shirt and puts on the one Tanjiro gives him.

Tanjiro is wearing;
A white hoodie with a cropped green and black checkered jacket on top of the hoodie. A small brown bag, with black jeans.

Inosuke is wearing;
A black shirt with a blue jacket. White sweat pants, and a hat.


When the two get there, Genya is already there.

"Hey Genya how have you been?" Tanjiro asks sitting down across from Genya.

"Shit, my girlfriend isn't answering my texts. I mean I know she just moved but I seriously don't think this long distance thing will work." Genya's girlfriend, Larissa, had a job offer in a different part of Japan, so she moved.

"I can hook you up with one of my buddies if you want. There's one that thought you were super hot when I showed him pictures of all of us." Inosuke added.

"If she breaks up with me, or if I break up with her I'll give you a call." Genya laughs.

"Sorry we're late. This guy had to take three hours choosing his shirt, then went with a plain yellow one!" Nezuko said pointing to Zenitsu.

"It's alright, so I invited Aoi, Muichiro, and Kanao, but they couldn't come. What a load of crap, huh." Inosuke said, taking a piece of bread out of the bowl and shoving it into his mouth.


When they were all done eating they said their goodbyes and parted ways.

They all were meeting because it's Tanjiro's brithday. But Muichiro was out of town, and Aoi and Kanao were doing something with Tengen and his wives. So none of them could make it, but when Tanjiro and Inosuke arrived home there was seven gifts sitting on the porch.

there was one from Shinobu, Nezuko, Aoi, Kanao, Genya, Murichio, and Zenitsu.

Inosuke picks up all the gifts and shoves them inside.

"Before we actually go inside, I have something I want to show you." Inosuke grabs Tanjiros hand and pulls him back down to their can and they both get in.

"We could've just not gotten out y'know." Tanjiro said buckling his seat belt.

"I knew everyone was going to drop their shit off so I had to put it inside before." Inosuke turned on the car and drove.

It took about an hour to get to where they were going, but Tanjiro didn't ask any questions, he was enjoying the alone time with his boyfriend.

When they got there, they were at a cemetery.

"Inosuke, why are we here?" Tanjiro asks.

"Just wait."

They walk for a good ten minutes before Inosuke stops and crouches down at a grave.

The grave had the name "Hashibira Kotoha" on it. (The name of Inosuke's mom)

"Babe, is this your family grave?"

Tanjiro has brought Inosuke to their family grave before, but Tanjiro has never been to Inosuke's family grave.

"Nah only my mom is here, as soon as I die it'll be the end of the Hashibiras." Inosuke chuckles a small sad laugh.

Tanjiro walks up to the grave, crouches down next to Inosuke and says, "Hello Miss Hashibira, I'm Tanjiro Kamado, your lovely sons boyfriend. It's very nice to finally meet you." He smiles, and looks at Inosuke.

Inosuke is looking right at Tanjiro, and when they make eye contact Inosuke starts tearing up. Tanjiro smiles his warm smile and wraps his arms his crying boyfriend.

They sit there for about 10 minutes while Inosuke crys into Tanjiro's shoulder.

When he's done crying he stands up, and so does Tanjiro.

"I have a really important question." Inosuke says putting his hands into his pocket.

"What is it?"

Inosuke gets down on one knee, and Tanjiro's eyes widen.

"I don't know how to say all that sappy shit so I'm just going to get right to the point."

Inosuke pulls out a small black box and opens it, revealing a diamond ring.

"Tanjiro Kamado, will you marry me?"

Tears start pouring out of Tanjiro eyes, and a huge smile spreads across his mouth.

"YES! Of course!"

Inosuke jumps up and picks Tanjiro up. Kissing him all over the face and neck.

"Why'd you propose at your moms grave?" Tanjiro asks after they've said their goodbyes to Inosuke's mom and were in the car.

"Like two reasons, one because I wanted her to see me propose to the love of my life, and two because I don't want that place to just be a sad place. Replacing the sad memories with happy ones."

For the rest of the time home they talked more about Inosuke's mom and Tanjiro' family.


Inosuke's best man was Genya (they are pretty close, but only got close AFTER high school)

Tanjiro's best man is Zenitsu, I mean who else would it be.
Inosuke's side is Genya, Aoi, and Kanao.
Tanjiro's side is Zenitsu, Nezuko, and Muichiro.

Tanjiro walked down the aisle, Inosuke REFUSED to. He said it would make him seem stupid because walking down a hallway of people is weird. So Tanjiro ended up doing it.

After the ceremony, they ate cake, and went home.

everyone thought it was stupid to do anything other than get married, so they went home and all watched a movie.

Hello! I hope you really enjoyed this bc this is literally my first thing i've posted so.

ALSO i HATE the zenitsu x Nezuko ship, but decided to just make it into this one bc she's only a year younger than him in this so, WHATEVER. But if i do anything like this again it won't be there.

I'm writing more things but none of them are demon slayer. Tell me if you want more of demon slayer i will make more.

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