sweet but short

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Tanjiro stopped crying about 5 minutes later.

Inosuke started to let go but Tanjiro grabbed his arms and started hugging Inosuke back.

"Can't we just stay like this for a little bit?" Tanjiro was hiccuping from crying so much.

Inosuke didn't say anything, just nodded.


Tanjiros sitting on Inosuke's couch and Inosuke pours him a cup of tea.

Tanjiro takes a sip, it's not that good which makes him laugh a little, because, that's just so Inosuke.

"How're you feeling?" Inosuke sits down next to Tanjiro.

"Better, sorry I cried so much." Tanjiro sighs, "Let's start from the top."

He sets his tea on the coffee table.

"I was friends with Emi when we were both in our 6th year of elementary. We weren't very close, we only had one class together, so we barely talked— She wasn't like she was today back then at all."

Tanjiro expected Inosuke to say something, but he just listened.

"After you left we went to a ramen restaurant and ate there. It wasn't very fun for me, I was worried about you, and-" he paused. "And I also felt really bad for what she said, and how she excluded you."

Tanjiro looked up at Inosuke and then looked down at his hands, holding on his cup of tea.

"You looked really sad, and I didn't want you to feel like I no longer lik-" Tanjiro realized what he was about to say. He was going to tell Inosuke he liked him, so he changed up the wording. "I didn't want you to feel like I no longer thought of you as a friend."

Tanjiro was done talking and waited for an answer.

"Are you done?" Inosuke set his tea on the table, Tanjiro's eyes following.


Inosuke sighs, "I was upset, but not at you. She just made me mad, her face looked like she wanted to toy with me. That made me mad, so I decided that it was best if I just left."

Inosuke takes Tanjiros hands.

"You were not the reason I left, kay?" Inosuke smiles again, this time it seemed sad.

Tanjiro also smiles, "Well, do you want to watch a movie?"

A genuine grin spreads on Inosuke's face. "Hell yes."

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