some time later(a little bit of time skip)

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It's been about two months since Inosuke and Tanjiro met, and they've been getting closer and closer.

Currently Inosuke and Nezuko are watching a show together while Tanjiro is cooking.

"Would you like me to help brother?" Nezuko yells so Tanjiro can hear her.

"No, I'm good!"

About 40 minutes later dinner is ready and the table is set. "Time to eat!" Tanjiro sits in the chair at the end of the table. He usually sits there so he can sit by two people, but since his family has passed, there was only Nezuko.

But there's been an addition to the people who sit at their table.

Inosuke and Nezuko sit down, Nezuko on the left of her brother and Inosuke on the right.

They all three slap their hands together and say, "Thank you for this meal!"

Inosuke and Nezuko start shoveling food into their mouths. They usually have a contest to see who can finish first. Tanjiro eats his food at his own pace. At least once during their dinner Tanjiro tries to tell the other two at the table that they could end up choking if they eat too fast. But every time they don't listen.

Today was no exception, "If you guys don't slow down you're going to choke."

Neither of them even blink at the redhead's statement. With a sigh Tanjiro continues eating.

After they're all done Inosuke and Nezuko do the dishes (mostly Nezuko because Inosuke is still learning how to not break them). While Tanjiro gives Sai (the cat inosuke picked up in "sleep over?") a bowl of cat food.

For clarification, Inosuke— for the life of him—could not take care of the cat, so he was telling Tanjiro how he probably is going to give it to the pound. So, Tanjiro took her in.

Inosuke bought Sai toys, and her food, and bed. Everything she needed (he gets money from shinobu). So Tanjiro doesn't have to worry about it.

"Inosuke are you staying the night tonight?" Tanjiro asks.

Inosuke and Nezuko look at eachother and smile, "Hell yeah I am!"

Before both of them are done with the dishes Tanjiro pulls out a shikibuton(a bed on the floor) and lays it down in his room.

As soon as all of them are done with the tasks they all sit down on the couch.

"What're we going to do now?" Inosuke sprawls out his arms accidentally wrapping his arm around Tanjiro, so he just went with it and rested his arm on his friend.

Tanjiro is a bit shooken by the arm on him, so in a pinch he grabs the remote and turns on a random movie.

Thirty minutes into the movie Tanjiros' eyes start to fell really heavy.

Getting up he says "I think I'm going head to bed, you guys shouldn't stay up for too long it's already pretty late."

"Brother it's only 9:30, are you okay?"

Tanjiro was too tired to hear her, let alone answer.

As soon as Inosuke and Nezuko hear the door shut they turned on the video games and game for three hours straight.

Tanjiro doesn't know they like to play violent video games. The game they're playing is called "the slayer of demons" you run around an open world and fight off demons. There are 12 higher ranked demons and one 'king' demon. They've been trying to kill the king demon for three days now. They've only managed to kill the lower 5 demons.

At about 1 am they both got really tired and decided to sleep.

Inosuke slowly opens the door and creeps into his shikibuton.

The New Student (inotan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz