Happy Tears

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The whole time Tanjiro was in the shower he heard everything going on. The crashes, Aoi yelling, Genya laughing.

As soon as Tanjiro's done with his shower he brushes his teeth and blow dries his hair.

This time when he walks up to the door the lights in the living room and kitchen are off. Opening the door and stepping out the lights flash on and everyone screams "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TANJIRO!!"

Tears start rolling down Tanjiro's face, making everyone super worried.

"What's the matter Tanjiro? Do you not like the fact I told everyone that it's your birthday? I'm so sorry!" Nezuko said running to Tanjiro hugging him.

"No-no it's not that Nezuko, it's just- I've never had friends to celebrate my birthday with. I'm crying happy tears!"

Everyone runs in and they all hug till Tanjiro stops crying.


"The cake is so good! I don't really like sweets, but it's just the right amount of sweet for me to handle." Said Tanjiro, stuffing his face with the vanilla cake.

"Glad you like it, it took these two three tries to get it right," Aoi said pointing at Nezuko and Zenitsu.

"That's because Zenitsu decided to put in two extra scoops of sugar!"

"Oh yeah?! Well YOU forgot to butter the pan the second time so it wouldn't come out!"

Genya slammed his hands on the table, "You two! Birthday boy is here!"

Both Nezuko and Zenitsu stoped arguing. As Kanao and Aoi look at eachother.

"How about we open gifts now?" Said Kanao standing up. "Genya can you help me get the gifts from the kitchen? The rest of you can wait in the living room for me and Genya."

There was one gift for each person, other than Nezuko, she got two, saying one was from their family.

Kanao got Tanjiro: "Three books? Oh my- Kanao thank you!"

Aoi got Tanjiro: "A backpack?! I am starting my junior year next year. It's covered in black and green checkered print with the word 'Kamado' on it. Thank you so much!"

Zenitsu got Tanjiro: "A keychain? It has a picture of me and you in it! Aww that's so cute Zenitsu! Thank you!"

Genya got Tanjiro: "A pocketknife? it's green and has every little gizmo, like a wine opener, screwdriver, it even opens up to make pliers! This will be handy! Thank you for the gift!"

Nezuko got Tanjiro: "A hand knitted cardigan? It has green and black checkered print just like the backpack. It's so soft! Thank you so much Nezuko!"

The Family got Tanjiro: "A framed picture of our family? This- this is so sweet!"
Tanjiro starts crying again, this time everyone knows it's not because he's sad about the fact they're there, but that he misses his family. Nezuko wraps her hands around Tanjiro again, crying with him. Everyone else starts picking up the mess.

"Oh no you guys, let me help!" Tanjiro said getting up from his chair.

Pushing him back down on the chair Nezuko said, "Oh no, It's your birthday! You should relax!" Nezuko turns on the tv and sets the remote next to Tanjiro.

"Thank you guys for the best birthday ever!"

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