break in

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Inosuke and Tanjiro went to a restaurant to eat together.

They were only gone for about an hour until Tanjiro dropped Inosuke off back at his house.

"I'll see you later Inosuke." Tanjiro waved to Inosuke as he got out of the car.

"See you later Gonpatrio" He slams the door and walks up the stairs.

Opening the door, the place is a wreck, worse then how he left it. Panic filled Inosuke as he took out his phone to call his friend to come back and check out the apartment with him.

When Tanjiro gets there Inosuke is down the stairs.

"How did they get into your house? Didn't I ask you if you locked your door? You said you did!"

Tanjiro stoped asking so many questions after seeing the freaked expression on Inosuke's face.

"Okay okay I'm sorry let's look at what's going on in your apartment." Tanjiro patted Inosuke on the shoulder and they went up to the apartment.

Looking around there was really nothing that was stolen, the place was just super messy. It's almost like someone was looking for something.

Inosuke got to his room first, and saw his diary out in the open.

"Shit!" He yelled as he stuffed it under his bed.

Tanjiro came running in.

"What's wrong? did you find something was missing?"

"No- no just someone found something private."

Tanjiros face turned from worry to confusion.

"This must be a really big secret, you're horrible at keeping normal ones." He chuckles.

Inosuke scoffs, "Am not."

"Well, it looks like nothing was stolen, do you want me to help pick up?"

"No, I can do it by myself."


Emi had several photos of Inosuke calling himself gay, with photo proof that it was his writing.

All she has to do now, is post it on a fake account she made just for this occasion.

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