Sleep over.

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Tanjiro has been standing outside Inosukes house for about 10 minutes now. He's made it as far as placing his hand on the door bell.

Right as Tanjiro was about to give up, the door suddenly swings open.

Inosuke was wearing a white t-shirt, with the sides cut out, shorts, and his hair was up in a ponytail.

Tanjiro felt his face getting warmer and warmer. Inosuke looked good in that.

"Gompachiro? What're you doing here?" Inosuke had a trash bag in his hand.

"I know this is a weird question to ask, especially because we just met today, but do you mind if I stay the night here tonight? My sister kicked me out of the house, and I have no where else to go."

Inosuke sets the trash bag down and puts his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, It'll be fun!"

Tanjiro let's out a small sigh, and walks inside.

Taking off his shoes he hears inosuke run down the stairs connecting all the appartements.

When inouske is back there's no trash bag.

A little bit later they're both sitting on inosukes couch. The house was a bit dirty, but it was a lot cleaner than Tanjiro would've guessed.

Breaking the dreadful silence Inosuke says, "I have a few two player video games, wanna play?"

Tanjiro agrees, and they both start playing.

It's 10:00 pm now, and both the highschoolers are laying down, Tanjiro in a shikibuton(a bed on the floor) and Inosuke on his regular bed.

Both of them can't sleep. Tanjiro opens his eyes and looks up at the ceiling. There's glow in the dark stars all over. He hadn't noticed them prior to this moment so he lets out a little chuckle.

The host of the sleepover hears the laugh and asks, "What's so funny, huh?"

"I didn't know you were the type to put glow in the dark stars everywhere."

Inosuke looks up at the stars, "Wasnt me," He says closing his eyes. "It was one of the little kids running around Shinobu's big ass house."

"Oh, either way, it's cute."

Inosukes eyes jolt open, cute? me? never!

Eventually they both fall asleep, and slept well.

Morning rolled around and Tanjiro woke up first at 6:30 am. He always gets up around that time, so he just naturally got up, no alarm needed.

Tanjiro looks over to see his sleeping friend sprawled all over the bed. He chuckled at the sight, and left the room.

He was too focused on his embarrassment about asking his new friend to stay the night he didn't notice how the house was actually pretty messy. There were boxes everywhere, probably because Inosuke had just moved in not too long ago. There was little to no furniture, and there were cup noodles everywhere. With a sigh Tanjiro started to pick up the room.

As soon as he was done Inosuke walked out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning Inosuke, would you mind if I used your stove and look in the fridge for food?" Tanjiro tilted his head with a smile.

"Sure, there's nothing in there though. Did you pick up? Where's all the boxes?"

"They're just outside the door, I was going to take them and throw them away on our way to school." Tanjiro looked in the fridge, there was literally nothing in it. Not a single thing. "How long have you been living here?"

"About two weeks," Inosuke sits down on the couch, the only seat in that house.

Tanjiro looks at the clock on his wrist, 7:12. It's way too late to go to the store and buy food to cook, so they'll just have to get something quick and easy.

"Go take a shower, I'll take one after." Inosuke said while turning on the tv. "You're the guest."

Tanjiro nods and leaves to take a shower.

After the two are done showering it's 8:00, school starts in 30 minutes and it takes 15 to get to the school, so they leave hoping they can get something quick to eat at the convenience store.

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