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WARNING this contains the f slur

After Aoi and Inosuke talked Inosuke decided to go see Tanjiro.

Inosuke took his phone out of his pocket and texted Tanjiro.

I: met me at the park plese

T: Okay, I'll be there.

Inosuke texted Tanjiro about 20 minutes ago, and he's been waiting ever since. Sitting on the swings. Thinking about how he's going to word the question he's about to ask his best friend.

"Inosuke!" A voice yelled from behind him.

Inosuke turned around to see Tanjiro waving and smiling. "Sorry for making you wait for so long." Tanjiro says as he sits down on the swing next to Inosuke.

"It's fine- um- I called you here because I want to ask you something." Inosuke rubs the back of his neck. "I- I'm— first off sorry for kissing you without no explanation- and secondly I was wondering if maybe-"

Inosuke was interrupted by a squeaky voice, "Tanji?"

Both of the guys turn around to see the one and only Emi. Inosuke sighs and slumps in the swing.

"Emi- uh what- what're you doing here?" Tanjiro asks the flush on his cheeks fading.

"I could ask you the same question, this is where I pick my little cousin up after his karate practice." Emi stands a little too close to Tanjiro.

"We're just here talking, when is your cousin going to get here?" Tanjiro asks, sounding a little desperate.

"In like" Emi looks at her phone looking at the time, "Five minutes, why?"

"We were busy." Inosuke said.

Emi turns to Inosuke, the look on her face looks like she just realized he was there. A grin spreads across her face, "Awww did I interrupt?"

"Yes." Tanjiro said, surprising both Emi and Inosuke. "So, as soon as your cousin gets here, leave please."

Right after Tanjiro finished his sentence, a little boy came running towards all three of them.

"Wmi! Are these your friends?" The little boy asked.

Emi rolls her eyes, "Tanji is, not this faggot." She points to Inosuke.

"What's a-" The little boy was about to ask but Tanjiro interrupts him.

"Um! No let's not say that, that's a bad word."

"But Wmi said it!" The little boy stomps his feet.

"That's right, it's not a bad word. It's a good word for nasty homos who like the same gender." Emi grabs the little boys arm and starts to leave.

But Inosuke crouches in front of the little boy stopping both of them. "Don't take after your auntie, she's mean. If I were you, I'd tell your mommy that your auntie is being a meany to a really nice guy."

And with that Emi and the little boy left.

The moods ruined now, and the little courage Inosuke built up is gone.

"I'm going now." Inosuke try's to leave but Tanjiro takes his hand.

"Please, finish what you were trying to tell me."

Inosuke sighs, "Okay, let's sit back down first." Tanjiro asking to hear him out, gave him the courage again.

As soon as both of them are back at the swings, sitting. Inosuke starts speaking again.

"Okay- well as I was saying I was wondering if maybe you would like to- um maybe- if you want, do you want to- uh- go- out with me?"

Tanjiro sighs, "Oh my goodness, I seriously thought you were going to ask to not be friends with me."

Inosuke looks at Tanjiro, "So what's your answer?"

Tanjiro chuckles, "Of course I'll go out with you!"

Inosuke jumps up and grabs Tanjiro picking the red head up off of his feet, and kisses him.

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