21. Paradoxical Situation

Start from the beginning

They shouldn't affect the world anymore, as their past existence had been deleted from the world

Yet, once again, she was proven wrong

No, she wasn't 'proven' wrong; It's just that the 'correct' she had predicted had been intentionally altered

By whom?

The first culprit that came into Ciel's mind was the existence who doesn't exist 

But that was shot down almost instantly

In the moments preceding and following the ogres' bizarre actions, there had been no notice of any Voidious Materializations—The process which a being whose existence is null must undergo in order to influence the material, astral, and soulious plane under any circumstances—

And the second culprit, which was almost instantly proven to be the cause...

The world itself

And more specifically, the 6 keystones of Tempest themselves

The hypercomplex system of reality affects the world in many and varying ways

Even if part of said system is deleted or formated, it will still exist, just in a form incapable of affecting anything

But what if, in that part of deleted massively complex spatiotemporal constructs, there were a handful few beings with strength surpassing the very idea of strength, linked to a being capable of turning the very composition of the fabric of the rules in which the hypercomplex system operates in into meaningless void

It's possible

She thought to herself as such

However, Ciel was very aware

Would the fact that the non-existent selves of Rimuru's subordinates are slowly and unknowingly transplanting themselves into their selves that are existing at this very moment? 

Yes, Ciel was aware of the implications that this had

Of the fact that this in hindsight might not be as good as it seems

Not all traces of Rimuru's subordinates had been extinguished

And the traces left all unite in one place

Rimuru's imaginary space

Yet, Rimuru had refused to use those traces to reconstruct the whole

Which means that he was opposed to the return of his subordinates under the current circumstances

The circumstances being : Rimuru's own power and abilities

Then, the fact that this was happening is not a good sign

It means that, as Rimuru grows dimensionally stronger, the more his subordinates import themselves into the present

In other words, it is Rimuru's abilities that are 'reviving' his subordinates

For Ciel, it was a crisis of the highest magnitude

Rimuru was unintentionally doing exactly what he refused to do

And there was no stopping it

For a being as mighty as Rimuru, it is impossible to stop continuously growing stronger

Rimuru was constantly evolving

Every unit of Planck time that passed, Rimuru's strength increased by colossal and unquantifiable amounts

The whole picture had just evolved into an unescapable paradox

It wasn't the first time that Ciel was not enough to handle a situation, yet it was the first time...

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