Everest's Awakening...||Otherworld AU

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Idk what to say for this lmao
(And I have no idea wth the cosmos world looks like so I made my own interpretation)
I woke up in a cold sweat, unaware on where i was. As I was looking around, I had realized that the majority of it was just a dark purple sky with bright stars, nothing else.. I then stood up and started searching, was there anything in this forsaken world?! As I kept searching.. and searching.. and searching.. and searching.. I had found a weird place, it was similar to the place I woke up in a way, but it had some swirly-looking portals.. out of curiosity, I stuck my hand through one of the portals, I couldn't see it through the other side but yet I still could feel my hand, when I looked around, I found my hand grooing through another portal a few meters away, I then pulled my hand out of the portal. I started getting REALLY curious, I went to another portal and stuck my leg through it, then I looked around, and after a while, I finally spotted my leg, it was WAY farther away so it was quite blurry. As I started going through more portals, I had realized that all of that were visible to each other, so it was starting to get boring.

I kept going through portals knowing i had nothing else to do, when a single portal caught me off guard, when i stuck my hand through the portal, and then looked around, I couldn't find the connecting portal, so out of curiosity, I peaked her head through it, it showed similar stuff to what I'd already seen, except it was brighter for some reason. As I was looking around, I spotted a star that was bigger than the rest.. WAY bigger.. it was shaped like me but Chibi form! So I walked through the portal and started approaching the star, turns out it was a planethuman like me! As I kept approaching them, they finally noticed me, they squeaked and ran as fast as they could, I chased after them before they went into this portal, it was blue, unlike the usual purple, black and white, and def had a much lighter color tho not as bright, as I looked closer at the portal, it had some weird texture, kind of a flowy-like texture, when I stuck my hand through it, or attempted to... the portal disappeared on me.. I was upset that that happened but oh well.. what could I do anyways? As I kept walking to see if there were any portals, I had finally found one, it was green! that's weird.. . As I tried sticking my out through it, I was interrupted by a loud roar, i quickly looked behind me to see a gigantic space animal, they had shark teeth, sharp claws, and a look on their face that's says "I want to eat you alive", I was ofc, scared. As I was about to rush to the portal again, it had disappeared Infront of me.. this is the second time a portal had closed infront of me.. so I tried my best to run away from the terrifying creature, but then I tripped on my own goddamn shoelaces and fell to the ground, that thing was basically about to eat my up and make me it's breakfast! I was helpless and didn't know what to do, out of my stupid instincts, I raised my hand up to them and begged them not to eat me like it was just gonna say "oh sorry bro" and then walk away like nothing happened, then I felt something forming around my hand, it was this black aurora that then was shot to the eyes, they screamed, turned back and started running in circles.. it seemed as if they were blind and moving around in pain, until I realized that they WERE blind and moving around in pain and I heard this random whisper.. No Meteor or Falling Star of the cosmos will harm the Star Shooter.., I was confused out by the random whisper that came outta nowhere but my confusion was ended with the realization that the blindness is temporary and they would still attack me... god I wish I was invisible.. . The blindness of the animal was gone and they had BLOODSHOT eyes.. they searched around and stared at me, I was nervous at the moment, as the animal approached me, I tensed up, but then was caught of guard when the animal walked pass me and if they couldn't see me, by the looks, they already weren't blind anymore.. I looked at my hands to see.. nothing,, I couldn't see my hands at all! it's insane! By the time I finally became visible again, the animal was already gone.. so I tried to find somewhere to stay in this., heck of a world..

As I was searching, I spotted the same portal I saw last time, the same color, the same leafy texture, the exact same thing. As I was approaching it, I heard animal noises and a soft roar, i JUMPED into the portal out of fear, and I ended up in a place.. nothing like space, it was insane! There was green stuff everywhere! And I was introduced to this...


Oh boy we got ourselves into a cliffhanger folks! Hope you enjoyed this lore! And peace!💥

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