Captured..|Possessed!Onion au

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This story focuses more on Bambi
Onion's POV
I woke up tied in some chair, and there I see, salty, it has been a while since I've seen her and I'm glad to finally see her.. "BREAK FREE" w-wait.. what?.. "KILL HER" N-N-NO I DONT WANNA "DO IT" AGH I SAID I DONT WANT TO DO IT- everything became a blur, next thing I know, I woke up in a forest, there was a shard of glass on my hand. I was super concerned, I then realized I was holding a plushie, Bambi's Plushie, Everest had told me that this plushie is Bambi's favorite and she would always try to go looking for it if she didn't have it in her hands, "take this to your advantage.." .....
Against my will, my body set up a trap that would ultimately harm Bambi, Bambi was 7 so she was naive, if Bambi were to pick up the plushie, a tree would fall of her, killing her, I didn't want to do this but I my thoughts wanted to "possessing her is no good, she's just a child but she's also a threat to us, so I think it's best to kill her"

No ones POV
Bambi was sleeping but she felt as if something was wrong.. something was missing, *gasp* MINI EVEREST! She had just realized that she didn't have her plush with her so she jumped outta bed and got outside through the window, no one heard her... unfortunately...She knew that going outside wasn't a good choice, but she needed to find Mini Everest. As she was searching, almost about to cry, when she found mini Everest, she quickly grabbed it, then she saw the tree falling to her, she was able to survive, but barely, her feet were crushed by the giant tree, she was panicking, and she looked around her fore seeing someone, not onion.. not pirate.. but Everest, Bambi was happy to see Everest again but Bambi was also confused about Everest's face, it looked so.. weird.. and her arm... it's ripped off, Everest lifted up the tree that crushed Bambi's feet, Bambi wasn't as in much pain as before, but she couldn't stayed up, both of her feet were entirely crushed, Bambi then was picked up by Everest, looking at her, Bambi started to feel dizzy, before passing out.

Bambi woke up in her old bedroom, with her plushie when she heard screaming coming from the living room, she rushed to see her mom severely injured and her dwarf planet brother, namely "duchess" being dead, she was horrified to see the horrors upon her.. it was so.. familiar, that was when she realized she was reliving a traumatic memory, but she saw.. herself.. Memory!Bambi was clutching to her mom's shirt, she had an asteroid in her head and was holding to dear life.. Onion was there.. she had a dagger in her hand and was about to stab Bambi when her mom shot a solar flare at her, though hers weren't as strong as the sun's, so onion was still unharmed, but she was mad, VERY mad. Onion picked up Memory!Bambi and threw her at the wall, going straight for her mom, she got on top of her and stabbed her, like.. 600 times(that was an exaggeration ofc). Memory!Bambi was literally bursting in tears while seeing the horrors. After onion was done, she had realized that Memory!Bambi was gone.. and then the memory ends.

Bambi woke up in her old home, in Everest's room, she quickly rushed to try and open the door, but it wouldn't budge, it was locked, but there was a keyhole so she could peace through, there she saw three people, a pirate man, her sister, and the onion... it looked like they were discussing something.. but she couldn't hear it, so she tried picklocking the door using a paper clip she found, it opened and she was able to get out, luckily no one noticed her, she overheard the conversation

Pirate: We should just possess her, possessing someone won't hurt!
Onion: Pirate, how many times have I told you, SHES USELESS, it's just better to kill her..
Everest:Maybe let's just do none of those.. maybe she could just join this team without being possessed..?
Onion: Yeah.. we could force her to join.. that would be a good idea

After Bambi heard that, she tried rushing to the door before the pirate noticed her "SHES ESCAPING" the pirate said, onion then was about to charge at Bambi when Everest held her back, this gave enough time fore Bambi to escape through the window and run away from the house..

"UGH WHY DID U DO THAT!?" Onion yelled.. "Please onion.. don't hurt her.. she's my sister.." "LIKE ANYONE CARES!!" They then have an argument, "What's with all this commotion!?" Aurtist yelled, then they basically all went through an argument, while Pirate is just there, questioning his existence.
(Btw I'm not sure if Bambi is actually gonna make it home or not.. but I hope she does, it's up the the others)
she had mini Everest in her hand the entire time she was tryin to escape

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