Constellations (Earth x Mars Fluff)

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No one's POV:
Earth was looking at his sound wave telescope, stalking Kanye 182c AGAIN, he had just discovered her and like usual on other planets, spying on her so he can get some information about her. Mars was watching the 6th episode of the show "dimension's", about a young dwarf planet in the 2d realm to get Stuck in the 3d realm and trying to get out. Earth was stalking Kanye 182c when Saturn came to his orbit, Saturn: earth, dinners ready, i cooked hydrogen rolls. Earth walked to the dinner table, apparently Venus didn't wanna eat dinner at that time so it was leftovers for the planets to eat when hungry (no wonder why Venus is so thin lol(also, u might get anorexia if u don't eat so pls eat ur food)). Everyone expect Venus ate their food before going to bed.

At midnight, earth woke up bc he heard some random sounds in the kitchen(his orbit is beside the kitchen). He went to the kitchen when he saw Mars just eating a hydrogen roll, Earth: dude didn't we just have dinner 6 hours ago?, Mars: I'm just hungry okay!?, earth didn't really mind, he just started talking to Mars for a while.

Earth's POV
While Mars was talking, he touched my hand, his face turned very red and he quickly repelled our arms.

Mars's POV
"GAAH!! WHY THE HELL DID I DO THAT!? EARTH WILL HATE ME NOW!" I was thinking that at the moment, so I tried to apologize, Me: Oops! Sorry man! Just got a bit carried away-, but then earth cut my sentence, "it's okay Mars! Maybe we should look at the stars in the sky..?", Me: Sure!, i Said that with no hesitation, so we went outside the Oort Cloud with our pjs and gazed at the stars for about an hour, but it felt like decades, I wish I could do that for longer...

No one's POV
Earth: Thats Virgo! And that's Orion! Earth kept pointing at constellations but all Mars could focus on is earth's face, but of course it had to end, so it ended and they went to bed... Mars couldn't sleep and he was just thinking about earth, same as earth! Well... not exactly, he stayed up but not bc he was thinking about mars, him and moon sleeps in the same room but not the same bed, moon had a cold so he was just coughing all night, earth was able to hear it but not anyone else.

This is my first ship one shot so pls don't set such high expectations for me

Word count including A/n and this message: 455 words

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