A broken soul

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After his last attack Sasuke stared at the motionless body of his dobe. Suddenly it started raining. Rain drops slid through Sasuke's face hiding his tears. "Naruto I-". Before he could finish his words a sharp pain in his shoulder force him to his knee bringing him very close to his sunshine's face. "I-I am sorry " he whispered in a low sound. He sense his formal sensei's chakra approaching them. Knowing that there were no time to waste he took his last glance on Naruto and disappeared in the darkness of the woods.

When Kakashi reached the valley of end he was shocked by the scene in front of him, a bloody blonde. He quickly search for any sign of life on Naruto and was relieved when he could find weakened pulses. Without any thought he scooped his favourite student in his strong arms and left to Konoha. Praying for God to keep Sasuke safe.

Upon reaching Konoha Naruto was quickly transferred to the emergency ward. Thanks to Kyuubi's healing power and Tsunade's effort his life was stabled. Sakura and his other friends were waiting out side the theater expecting to hear a good news. When the red light finally died they eagerly rushed towards the slug princess. Tsunade's face was dull so they thought it was a failure and their face seemed sorrowful. Kakashi was the one to break the tense atmosphere."Hokage-sama is Naruto... ". He didn't had the courage to finish his sentence. What will his sensei think when he know that his son was death. After all Minato entrusted Naruto with Kakashi. Letting out a long sign Tsunade opened her mouth to speak. "Naruto is fine. All thanks to the nine tail's. He will be able to walk like other shinobi's" . Everyone gathered out side let out the breath they were holding. After all he was alright, right? ." He is physically okay but mentally he is broken". The happiness in everyone's face started to fade. "What do you mean Hokage-sama" Sakura asked worried about her friend. "This may be a little shocking news but let me say Naruto was pregnant and he lost his child during the battle. So he might be a lot broken. Please be gentle with him". After finishing her instructions Tsunade step aside to make room for others to enter. When they entered the room Naruto was looking outside through the window. "Naruto" Sakura called out her only remaining team mate. Upon meeting Naruto's cold and dead dull blue eyes every one's breath was taken. His eyes were so out of life. "Are you the one who took my child away? ". Naruto questioned the group. "What do you mean? " this time Ino was fast to question than Sakura. "I asked did. You. Took. My. Child? " Naruto repeated with his cold tone. Every one was too shocked to answer his question. Suddenly Naruto's eyes change to the red ones. He started to jerk from the bed. Tsunade was quick to inject some liquid to make Naruto sleep again. "I won't forgive you" and thus Naruto slip to deep slumber. "And this was what I meant by mental outbreak" Tsunade explained to the group. "Will he be okay Hokage-sama " Kakashi asked. "I think the shock of losing the child will affect Naruto in worse way. After all jinchuriki are very sensitive about their off springs" Tsunade replied. "B-but how did Naruto-kun get p-pregnant H-Hokage-sama" Hinata asked softly.

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