I tap my chin as I think it over. "I don't see the harm in that. Just remind her of the rules. No entry allowed in the basement and no going into my bedroom."

"So ya let me stay in here, but won't let her in? How rude." Angel teases and my smile strains to stay in place.

"As I've said, only you are the exception. You, Anthony. No one else. That will not change no matter who the person is. This room is my sanctuary. A safe place to call my own. Now that I have found you, you are allowed in it as well. Because you, my dear, are also my safe place. To let anyone else enter, would be to sully the serenity of this room. I refuse to allow anyone but you and I in this oasis. This small slice of heaven I've managed to steal away all to myself." Static pitches in volume as I explain, until the room shakes with the force of my anger.

"Woah, Woah. Calm yerself babe. I get it. I won't take her in here. It will remain our safe place." Angel takes my face in his hands and brings me forward until our foreheads touch. "Molls and I will go downstairs and sit in da lobby ta talk and catch up. I promise."

Sucking in a shaky breath, my eyes flutter shut as I soak in the comfort Anthony offers. "Thank you."

"Course babe." Angel kisses my forehead and an unknown irresistible urge forces me to throw my arms around his waist, clinging for my afterlife as if without his weight grounding me, I'll float away into cold crushing oblivion.

"Promise me that you'll never leave." The words jump from my mouth without a second thought and I press my cheek against the poofy fluff on his chest.


"Please. I won't ask for much and will do whatever is required of me. Just... don't leave me. I'm not sure I can handle it if you do. It'll... break me." Even though the words taste like bitter ash in my mouth and a sliver of anger races through me at the unshed tears stinging my eyes, I mean every vulnerable word. Raw honesty. I can fully be myself around him. No façades. No fake smiles. Just me.

"Look at me." I don't shift my gaze to his, eyes glued to the ground in shame for the weakness that shows. Lifting my chin with a finger, Angel forces me to look at him and gives me a stern gaze. "Ya are allowed ta ask things of me and I will never make ya do somethin' that makes ya uncomfortable. Jus' because I like bein' dominant, doesn't mean ya hafta do whateva' I say. Ya will always have free will, Al. Trust me, nothing is worse than havin' somethin' that precious taken from ya."

"So, you'll stay?" I try not to let hope coat my voice, but my wretched twitching ears give me away once again.

"Bambi, ya are not gettin' rid of me that easily. 'Course I'm stayin'. I'll move my stuff in tomorrow and have Charlie feed Nuggsie tonight." My excitement deflates at the mention of Charlie and the walking bacon.

"Must the pig stay here too?" I sigh, already knowing the answer.

"Whereva' I go, Nuggs goes. End of discussion." Angel snaps, hands planting on his hips.

"Very well, my dear." I concede and slide out of bed to freshen up and make breakfast.

My dear Anthony, what have you done to me?


I'm washing the dishes from the Pancakes we just ate, when my ears pick up the sound of someone knocking loudly on the front door.

Wincing, I place the dishes off to the side and towel dry my hands while strolling out of the kitchen. Angel flies past me towards the door and almost yanks the door off its hinges in his excitement.

"Molls!" Angel squeals and Molly returns the sound with an enthusiastic shriek of her own.

Watching the sweet but unamusing display, my ears flatten from the harsh ringing noise echoing in my home and I clasp my hands behind my back, walking over to the basement door.

"Where are ya goin', Al?" Angel calls out, a hint of worry threaded through his tone.

"It's Saturday, my dear. I must prepare to Host my Radio show tonight. I shall be in the basement for the remainder of the day and shall return later tonight. You and your sister are more than welcome to make yourselves comfortable."

"Thanks, Smiles!" He says excitedly.

"Oh, and Anthony?" Angel looks over his shoulder at me, eyebrow raised questioningly. "Remember to remind the young belle of the rules, won't you?"

As soon as he nods, I turn briskly and descend the wooden stairs to the damp coolness of the basement, snapping my fingers to close the door behind me.

The scent of old books, blood, and death wash over me and I breathe in deep, relaxing at the familiarity of it all. In this basement, I'm able to become the ruthless, manic, bloodthirsty killer I truly am.

The Ripper of New Orleans, I was once known as. In Hell, I am simply the Radio Demon. Twice as deadly, and with more classic flare.

With another snap of my fingers, lanterns that hang on the brick walls, burst to life and bathe the small room in a soft golden glow.

One long bookcase covers the length of one wall of all the favorite grimores I've stolen and a few war books I've picked up along the way.

I tried reading fantasy and romance books once. They were immediately and viciously burned.

Such driviling nonsense.

But with Anthony here now. Perhaps I may give another romance book a try.


"Find the location of a wretched unsalvageable victim." I hiss to the corner of the room where my entities writhe and wait for my command. "I'm feeling very unmerciful tonight and want to soak in every scream as the fingernails are ripped from each finger."

My smile widens at the anticipation of the glorious, bloody, entertainment that is to ensue later.

Secret Confessions (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now