8 -- The Metamorphosis

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From his hipbones, the remaining cartilage was expelled, as hipbones were not vital to aquatic folk, as their true power resided inside their tails, and not carried upon the hips, like land mammals. The cartilage formed many rays that changed into pectoral fins that were solely designed to keep him from rolling too far over; and to help in tight turns, while underwater.

From his back, splinters of bone formed a long fin from where his buttocks once were, straight down to the tip of his tail. This formed the all-important dorsal fin that also kept him from spinning out of control when he was swimming. And specialized neurons, just under the fin, detected ever so slight movements in the water, giving him a sixth sense.

His ears were modified to keep rushing water out of the inner ear, while his nose grew daintily, like a womans with the sinuses changed ever so slightly to handle the rough salty environment. Whereas his eyes developed a second translucent lid that produced his vision from fine particles while in the water. And the corners of his mouth grew a thin webbing to hold in food while eating.

With his breathing easing, he slowly opened his new Merrow eyes as he was resting on his back, looking at the long tail that responded to every movement that his brain commanded. He

He tried to kick his legs like a human, but the command to move his legs was overwritten to flick, sway, turn, wrap, constrict, and release a fraction of his own muscular power for propulsion.

His large shimmering blue eyes looked at the long strands of reddish-blonde hair floating around his head as he estimated that his hair must be almost two feet long now! This caused him great distress, but did not pale in comparison to the two scaly half-orbs that were fused to his chest! He nervously reached for one, finding it to be rather squishy and topped with a terribly sensitive dark pink nub...

'Wait!' his mind cried out 'Why does this feel like a woman's breast!?' as they certainly looked like them. He looked down at the scaly vent, pulling back one of the folds slightly to find that nothing inside would qualify him as a man any longer...

'Oh my God! I turned into a mermaid!' her mind screamed, the realization murdering the lingering male ego that desperately wished that this was a cruel ploy.

She glanced at her webbed fingers, watching the scales shimmer with bioluminescence. She cried out in a strange dolphin-like cry as she now realized that nothing would stop from becoming a Breeder.

At the surface, Meara was waiting for Kiandra to resurface so that she could pull him out of the water. She looked into the rippling pool as at the bottom of the pool looked to be a young Merrow, resting.

"Oh no!" she gasped, setting the pearl aside. With a splash, Kiandra glanced at Meara, who had changed back into her Merrow form. She swam directly for her, looking at Kiandra in awe.

[Kiandra...are you alright?] Meara's voice causing Kiandra to cover her webbed ears as she wasn't used to telepathy rattling inside her mind.

Kiandra tried to speak back, but with no air to vibrate her now deadly vocal cords, there was no sound to produce.

[It is okay, try speaking with your mind while looking only at me.]

[Is that even possible?] Kiandra wondered, never thinking telepathy was a possibility in reality.

[Quite possible.] she replied.

[Wait!? You can hear my thoughts!?] Kiandra gasped, drawing in more water than intended. It made her lightheaded as she increased her oxygenation without needing it.

[Indeed.] Meara smiled. She rested her body beside Kiandra, her tail about a foot longer than the young mermaid. [Uhm, Kiandra...do you know what happened to you?]

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