"Aphrodisiac?" Meara remarked, glancing down at Kiandra.

[Well, that explains your feminine-like demeanor...she injected you with a high dose of estrogen. Probably trying to Breed with you. Let's just hope that she didn't try marking you!]

She noticed that in the dim light, Kiandra's facial structure and body were quite similar to a female Merrow. She only knew that he was male by his familiar scent. And watching him caring for the Egg and protecting it over the value of his own life, had made her wonder what was actually happening chemically inside the young mortal man's body.

[High Priestess!] called out one of the warrior Merrows' as she quickly came up to Meara who was still carrying Kiandra and the Egg. [Oh!] she remarked, looking down at Kiandra [This must be the star-child...she is truly a beautiful girl as the rumors have said.]

[She is a boy.] Meara corrected.

[Oh! My bad! But he does look like a girl!]

[Indeed.] Meara nodded [Can I help you with something?]

[Oh yes! Right!] the warrior remembered [Seer Niamh had asked me to inform you that the spare room in the Palace has been vacated for your use.]

[Thank you for letting me know.] Meara softly said as the young warrior departed to help with tending to the wounded.

Normally, the Balor attacks are bad; but this one was really bad.

Meara continued to carry Kiandra deeper into the palace as the Queen had wanted the young boy carefully monitored and cared for during this delicate time.

"What is going on?" Kiandra asked his Merrow protecter.

"The Queen has prepared a private place for you in the palace." she told the young child "It is one of the residential rooms, it is quite safe and comfortable, I promise."

"Okay." Kiandra worried "As long as I will be safe from the Balor!"

"Before we go," Meara adds "our Seer has requested to see you just prior to laying down to sleep. I must warn you though, she does not tolerate rudeness or disrespect very well. So please behave in her presence. She has a rather unforgivable temper, and a deep hatred for humans."

"Great." Kiandra cringed, feeling like he was about to be judged for his crimes.

Meara took Kiandra into the royal quarters where the Queen, the Seer, the Chief Healer, the Chief Keeper, & the High Priestess all slept. Unlike the village that was torn to sunders by the Balor, the palace looked like it was a sophisticated home for people who were quite wealthy—like the home that he had just ran away from. So, being here certainly did not put him at ease.

They came to a door that was closed off with a drapery of woven green kelp leaves. An enchantment kept it from drying out, as the kelp cleansed the air and made the place feel and smell like home at sea.

[Seer, may we please come in?] asked Meara, waiting for permission.

[You may.] said the Seer.

'I really need to learn the language!' Kiandra thought 'It gets tiresome now knowing what people are talking about.'

Meara brings Kiandra inside the pool-like room. There was no bed, no drawers, or anything that looked like human comfort or comfort for a land mammal.

The only thing in this room was a deep pool filled with glowing bioluminescent plants and shimmering water. Crystals lined the pool, and the water seemed to sing in a strange ancient song that Kiandra could now hear with his own two ears.

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