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"Flight number 34 is going on board, I repeat, flight number 34 is going on board"
FUCK, I think as I run as fast as I can trough the whole airport looking for my flight, I couldn't miss this opportunity,  I was so tired of living in a tiny apartment with roommates. I needed to start being more independent, I was 21.
-Number 33......Okay number 34- I say with success after finding it. I open my bag only to see my phone screen showing 12 missed calls from my mum, I ignore them and I grab the airplane tickets and my NID while I head to the long queue. -My god, why do so many people want to go to Charleston, it's not even close to being the perfect city- I say whispering and rolling my eyes.

-Heyy Charleston is actually not that bad.

I turn around to see a blond blue-eyed guy acting like he is hurt because of what I have just said.
FUCK, he must have listened to me, perfect Maddie screwing everything up in front of  a handsome guy.

-Well It's also not that good, I mean, I kind of spent there my whole childhood and it wasn't a big big city- I say, trying to fix the stupid comment from before.

-Oh, so you are from Charleston, kind of thought that every pretty girl was born in a big city like New York or LA.

I immediately felt my cheeks burning so I gave him a small smile and as soon as I can I give the tickets to a lady and I sat on my seat, thanks god it was the window one.
I look to my left to see the same man sitting next to me.

-Well, I guess fate wanted us together- he says, smiling a little bit.

In a normal situation, I would have probably flirted with him, but with my pasts experiences all I wanted now was to have any man far away from me.
In the last year I haven't had the perfect relationships not gonna lie, it took me a while to realize how toxic these boys were.
I lied for them. I stopped hanging out with my friends because of them. I opened my heart and I received nothing. I smiled to them even if I was hurting. I kissed them feeling nothing. I wanted to think that they were perfect for me, but I guess that I only liked the idea of them.

-Hey, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, just wanted someone to talk to during this flight, but I know that sometimes I can be a little bit annoying- he says opening a book and starting to accommodate hisself.

-No, don't worry, I guess that I'm a bit nervous but that's all.- Oh my god, I wasn't sure if I could stay all the flight without throwing up having this handsome boy in one side and an audition for maybe a Netflix series in less than 24 hours.

-Why?? Are you scared to travel by plane??- he says a little bit confused, he probably thinks that I am the stupidest girl in the whole world.

-No- I say smiling- It's just that I have to see my parents again, after leaving home at 18 and also I have an audition soon so I'm a little bit stressed to be honest, but just that.

-Oh, so am I talking to the next Netflix's star??- he says earning a chuckle from me

-Only if I make it to the audition, so probably not- I say, I am more nervous than ever.

-Well at least tell me your name so I can remember you when you have an important award for being the best actress.

Perfect, my cheeks are red again.

-Um...I am Maddie... Madelyn Cline- I say trying to look to the window so he can't see my red face.

-Nice to meet you Maddie, I am Luke in case that you are interested.

I give him a small smile and then he continues reading his book that, in fact, didn't look interesting. I try to sleep a little bit, but I just couldn't knowing all the things that could happen in the next few hours.

"Passengers, you must now buckle up your belt, we are landing in less than ten minutes"

I immediately look trough the window to see the city where I used to live, the city where I spent my whole childhood, not only my childhood but also some of the happiest years of my life where I wouldn't be worried of how much money did I have on my bank account.

The plane lands and I take off my AirPods from my ears and the boy sitting next to me does the same. Everyone starts getting off the plane so we do the same. When I pick an uber to go to my parents house I hear my name.

-Heyy...Maddie- Luke says, waving his hands on the air, trying to catch my attention.

I turn around and I see him walking to me.

-I'll hopefully see you soon!!- He says with a big grin on his face.

-Yeah- I say entering in the car- Bye, it was nice to met you.

And I closed the door because I knew that the next thing he was probably going to ask me was the phone number, then the messages where he said that he wanted to hang out, then the party where I would be drunk, then he would kiss me, and back to a situationship again.

And, because I did't want that, I tried to say goodbye to him as fast as possible and leave.

-Could you take me to 10th Avenue please??- I say, opening my bag to grab my phone.

The driver nods his heads and starts driving while he moves his head at the sound of the music.
He was probably in his lates 50's and he seemed to be a good person. He had the uber covered with family photos and then I remembered, FUCK my mom's calls.
I unlock my phone and I text my mom that I have already landed and that an uber was going to take me to her house. She immediately tells me "Maddie don't be silly, I could have picked you up" or "You can stay at home as long as you want to, dad and I are very excited"

I love my parents, of course I do, but I have been independent since I was 18 so I would prefer to find an hotel where I could stay at least until I know if I am gonna get the role.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now