Chapter 32: Distress

Start from the beginning

A silent exchange of understanding passed between the agents, as they grasped the full implications of Ranesk's demand. It was a complete reversal of their original mission, and the implications were troubling. For they were here on a humanitarian quest, not a martial one, and as such, they were entirely unarmed. The lack of weaponry left them vulnerable and ill-equipped to deal with the violent scenarios that Ranesk's request implied.

Sova's expression revealed his unease as he addressed Ranesk. His voice was soft, but his words carried a hint of concern. "You do understand that our mission here is one of humanitarian aid, right?" he asked, hoping to impress upon him the importance of their task.

Ranesk regarded him stoically, his features obscured by his helmet. Without uttering a word, he gestured towards the window, where the dark smoke and ash of burning buildings filled the sky. His silent gesture was enough to convey the dire situation at hand.

Reyna, who had been observing the exchange silently, allowed herself a small, knowing smile. She knew the answer to Sova's question before it was even asked.

The officers in the room were all of high rank and had been sent a dossier on Ranesk by the Kingdom themselves. According to the file, Ranesk was purported to be over two hundred years old and possessed an incredible speed and agility despite his larger size. Despite their initial surprise at his demand, they all reached a unanimous decision.


Ranesk's demand for command over a battalion of SWAT operatives was swiftly granted, along with a fleet of heavily armored vehicles. The agents assigned to the humanitarian mission were to assist Ranesk in leading the charge to restore order and liberation to the besieged city.

Their mission was clear: to capture as many looters and rioters as possible, then coordinate with the fire department and other damage control services to extinguish the raging infernos and repair the extensive destruction wrought by the chaos. Unfortunately, even the local hospital had fallen prey to the mayhem, leaving the injured and sick without medical aid.

To compensate for their lack of weaponry, the Valorant agents were issued assault rifles from the armory. The armory, consisting mostly of aging AR's and variants of the Phantom rifle, would have to suffice. Though the agents expressed confidence in their equipment, only time would tell if it was enough to meet the challenges that lay ahead.

The ululating wail of police sirens and the strobing glare of blue and crimson inundated the locale as they careened by, scattering scraps of paper in their wake like flurries of ash. Their destination: the beating heart of the riot in the city center. With each appearance, the rampaging mob dispersed, obscuring their identities with gas masks and tattered rags.

The convoy ground to a halt at the epicenter, disgorging a phalanx of black-clad troopers sporting lethal rifles. Like a virulent contagion, they would fan outwards from the core, meting out justice to any misguided souls who dared to impede their mission.

Amidst the ebony-clad troopers loomed the formidable figure of Ranesk, his towering presence casting a long shadow over the SWAT operatives gathered around him. Peering out from beneath his helm, he surveyed his surroundings with an air of implacable authority, his gaze sweeping over the rioters who thought themselves beyond his notice.

"Divide the deployed forces," Ranesk boomed through the vox, his voice resonating with the weight of unyielding justice. The SWAT operatives trained their rifles on the surging throng, awaiting their orders. "Half of you shall take charge under the banner of the valorant agents."

The SWAT operators exchanged a quick glance, then rallied around the four elite Valorant agents, awaiting their next move. Meanwhile, their compatriots maintained a vigilant watch over the perimeter, ensuring no hostile force could penetrate their defenses.

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