Chapter 24: Sand

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The process of making the League trust her again was a difficult one. Even though the general agreement was that she'd made the right decisions, Nyx could feel some hostility as they left the meeting Kaldur held to prove Nyx's innocence.

And while her record was now clean again, the damage she'd done to Cliff was permanent-she'd blasted his entire leg into non-existence-but Batman assured her Cliff would receive the absolute best medical attention and a prosthetic.

As for his safety, Batman refused to reveal anything, but his sidekick had other ideas. Dick told Nyx he'd sneak her in to visit him soon. Because it was one of the most secure places on the planet and because he wanted to keep close watch, Batman had personally taken responsibility for Cliff. Her brother was safely tucked away in Wayne Manor.

After all, if someone like Vandal Savage got ahold of Cliff again, the security of the Justice League would be compromised. Nyx had proven herself to both be one of the most dangerous criminals on the planet, but she'd also proved herself as a member of the Team.

The matter of Vandal Savage was still an issue. He was at large, as always, but he didn't have any leverage over Nyx anymore. And if anyone had anything to say about it, the two of them would never have to meet again.

Still, Nyx worried about him. The man was powerful and a member of the Light. Sooner or later, he'd come for her. With the intent of killing or controlling, she didn't know, but she did know this wasn't over.

It would never be over.

Nyx felt footsteps coming up to her from behind on the dock and she turned, expecting to see Kaldur, but instead, the footsteps got faster, and suddenly she was being tackled into the water.

Nyx gasped as she caught sight of Wally. He grinned at her.

He had no idea how stupid that was.

Nyx grabbed ahold of the bay and the water level lowered. Wally's eyes flickered to it, and then back to her. His eyes widened.

"You're screwed Wally!" Artemis yelled from the shore. "I bet five bucks isn't worth getting pummeled by Nyx!"

Wally slumped. "Nyx. Artemis tricked me into this, so, I realize I won't escape being destroyed, but at least destroy Artemis too."

Soon enough, both heroes had been swept into the bay with her. As she was fulfilling her deal and drowning them, the other members of her team came running, equipped with a dangerous arsenal of suitsuits, balls, and sandcastle tools.

They wouldn't stand a chance.

Nyx felt the mindlink establish itself again.

Kaldur stepped onto the dock. "Alright Team, it seems we have our mission. There is a dangerous water nymph trying to drown two innocent civilians. Take her down!"

Nyx grinned. "I'll show you dangerous, Aqualad!"

The water exploded out from beneath the dock and sucked him in. Both of them sank beneath the surface and Nyx proceeded to attack him. Kaldur was a little rusty on underwater magic, but it was more than enough to defend himself.

Well... sort of.

So Nyx utterly destroyed them during the water fight. When the games were taken ashore, she also beat them with sandcastle making. Her sandcastle was definitely made by using her powers, even though Dick had specifically told her that was against the rules.

But she won, didn't she?

Megan came in second place, also by cheating. Dick made third, but only because his sandcastle consisted of him putting an exploding boomerang in Nyx's. The hump of sand that was left behind was more than satisfactory.

Nyx couldn't say she did well with volleyball though. In fact, everyone had teamed up against her and she failed so miserably that she had to use water tendrils to hit the ball for her. Eventually, they took pity and Kaldur and Artemis joined her team.

They still lost horrendously. Nyx was likely the absolute worse person ever at volleyball and Kaldur was a close second. Artemis complained incessantly that she was carrying them. And was until Nyx wet the sand beneath the others and sunk them into the ground.

Cheating, again.

But cheating was fun!

By the time sunset rolled around, everyone was exhausted and sprawled out in the sand. Nyx's mask had been lost some time ago in the chaos, but she didn't really mind as much as she thought she would. Today was fun. It was a promise of a great future.

Being a hero would never stop being hard, problems like Vandal Savage and other villains would never stoo chasing her, but at least she had people to lean on.

So now, Nyx was content to lay in the sand with her friends and smile at the rising moon.

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