Chapter 10: Custody

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Nyx sat on the edge of a dock, staring at her hands.

She'd been at this dock for hours. Waiting for someone to come.

Maybe it would be the heroes. They would take her to jail for her countless crimes. Maybe it would be another villian. They would kill her.

Nyx didn't really care.

It was all over. She was done.

Nyx for once in her life had absolutely no purpose. She was free of everyone and everything that ever held her back. But Nyx did not rejoice in such freedom.

Nyx felt numb and empty. She was tired. Of everything.

Whatever happened to her now... Nyx no longer cared. She was done. Everything was over.

So Nyx just sat at the edge of the dock, staring at her hands as the sky darkened and the water beneath her feet turned cold and black. It stared at her accusingly.

It knew what she had done.

Nyx knew what she had done.

And she no longer cared.

The sky churned angrily and thunder clapped loudly, promising a lightning storm to behold. The wind raged, throwing Nyx's hair in every direction. Waves made the dock she sat on creak under the pressure.

Nyx barely even noticed.

She was done. It was all over.

Nyx had thought that her freedom would bring relief, but she only felt emptier. Colder.

Such a blissful daze would not last long.


"Kaldur? You okay?" Robin asked, walking out onto the beach.

Kaldur turned. "Yeah... How did you know I was out here?"

"I've always known you go here to hide." Robin smiled and sat down. "I just never had anything to make you feel better."

"And you do now?" Kaldur questioned.

Robin sighed. "You were right about her."

Kaldur turned. "I am not so sure."

"You realize Kaldur, that none of us received more than a few bumps and bruises each time we faced her? She never killed anyone. And when Nyx caught you, she helped you escape." Robin reasoned.

"What about her brother?" Kaldur asked. "Her brother claims that she is a monster."

"He's an impressionable six year old who loves superheroes, Kaldur. He saw his sister help a criminal, of course he thinks that." Robin stated.

"She killed Maximilian." Kaldur pointed out.

Robin sighed and pulled off his mask. "I've never told you this, but... When my parents died, there was a man named Tony Zucco. And I... I wanted to kill him."

"But you didn't." Kaldur said.

"I would have. If Batman didn't stop me, I'd have killed him. Nyx... She was in a much worse situation. If I'm being honest, Kaldur, I can't really blame her." Robin told him, looking over the water distantly.

Kaldur followed his gaze. "But Maximilian is dead now. Nyx is free of a life of crime. That begs the question, where is Nyx and what is she doing now?"

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