Chapter 23: Faith

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Nyx released her senses from the League and zeroed in on the boy in front of her. There was a small moment of hesitation and then Cliff released a blood-curdling scream.

The sound was more than enough for Nyx to lose all control, at least, if the moment hadn't been so vital. Despite the flinch and the echo of a scream that she knew would haunt her, Nyx looked at the line of blood dripping from just beneath his shorts.

Batman rushed forward and grabbed Cliff, who slid right off the leg.

It had been completely severed. Nyx grabbed the leg and the water within it dissipated, leaving behind a puff of dust... and a small piece of metal.

The bomb.

Nyx fell to her knees and Batman sprayed something into the hole left of her brother's leg. The League gathered around Cliff, yelling and running to get supplies. She stared, watching as blood pooled beneath him. She thought for a moment she could use her powers to keep it inside him, but that would leave water in him and other blood components out.

It didn't take long for Cliff to pass out and it wasn't much longer after that before the heroes had the bleeding stemmed completely. After Dr. Fate chanted something, skin grew around the wound.

Nyx began to sob. She wasn't sure if it was because she was relieved he was alive, relieved that she didn't have to kill anyone, or if she was crying because of what she did to him. Sure, she needed to do it to keep everyone alive, but she still just tore off her brother's leg.

Someone suddenly grabbed her shirt and pulled her to her feet. Martian Manhunter. Nyx's entire body froze, exiting her realm of control. The world spun as the martian paralyzed her, riding the girl of her powers and ability to hurt anyone else.

Nyx panicked internally, but his hold on her didn't last long. The next thing she knew, there was an explosion and he was screaming, holding his head in his hands and crumpling against the side of the zeta tube. Nyx gasped hoarsely as she regained control of her limbs.

The room was on fire. Nyx groaned and pushed herself to her hands and knees. Something on her shoulder stung and she could smell burnt flesh.


Nyx's head snapped up and she searched the room for her brother. The boy was cowering next to Batman, who was covering him with a dark cape. Superman stood up and began to blow, his cold breath sweeping across the room and extinguishing the flames.

The zeta tube brightened next to her and Nyx looked up as her team stepped into the room. They surveyed the area with shock.

Kaldur was the first to break free of his surprise and step forward. "What happened here?"

"Nyx," Superman answered, landing as the last of the fires were gone. He looked at Nyx with a cold glare.

The Team instinctively stepped between them. Martian Manhunter stood and once again, Nyx felt his hold on her mind and body. She fell back to the ground as he froze her.

"That's enough!" Kaldur barked. "This merits investigation. We will not allow you to simply point your fingers at Nyx. Megan?"

Megan nodded and her eyes glowed green as she overpowered her uncle and allowed Nyx control of her body. Artemis went over and helped Nyx to her feet.

"Do not interfere," Batman growled, standing up and leaving Cliff on the floor behind him. "She is too dangerous. She's even hurt the boy. Hand her over."

"She is our teammate," Kaldur reminded him. "We'll deal with her how we see fit."

Nyx shook her head and walked forward, attempting to get between the two teams. Her friends didn't understand what she was willing to do. What she would have done if not for that last second idea. They shouldn't risk themselves for her.

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