Chapter 19: Mission

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Kaldur could hear a muffled shout and someone grabbed his shoulder, pulling him out of the water.

"Kaldur!" the figure exclaimed, "What happened? Are you alright?"

It took a moment before his eyes refocused and Kaldur squinted up at Wally. The red-headed speedster didn't wait very long for an answer before scooping him up and speeding off. Kaldur glanced over the hero's shoulder back at the beach. Manta's escape pod was nowhere in sight.

Wally slowed down and shoved Kaldur into Connor's unprepared arms. "Goshyouareheavy. Guys, I found Kaldur!"

"What?" Robin's head turned on a swivel. "Kaldur, what happened?"

Kaldur went back to bed.

The med bay lights were brighter than he remembered. Kaldur sat up slowly and blinked a few times. His most recent memories came back to him quickly. Black Manta's offer and then the escape pod, which exploded the moment he stepped out of it. Kaldur decided he wouldn't decide whether he thought the explosion was to prevent the pod from being used to track Manta or if it exploded in a last minute attempt to kill him.

Kaldur shoved aside the light sheet over his body and stood up. The room swayed and he had to grab the wall for support, but when the dizziness faded, Kaldur pushed away and opened the door. His king was waiting on the other side, hand already raised as if he had been about to turn the handle.

"Kaldur. You're up," Aquaman smiled.

"I am." Kaldur didn't smile back. "Where is my team?"

Aquaman sighed. "They are all here and they are all unharmed... except Nyx."

Kaldur shoved past his king. "Savage has her."

"We know. Batman was planning an escape mission, but we halted it when you reappeared. There was an explosion near my compound and when they went to investigate, you were there. We were hoping you had information on her whereabouts." Aquaman huffed, "Kaldur, slow down, we need to talk."

Kaldur slammed on his brakes and glared up at his king. "No. We needed to talk. Past tense. You hid who my father was from me, even after I became Aqualad, and it put my entire team in jeopardy!"

Aquaman froze. "Your father... How did you find out?"

"You can find out from Batman's debrief, just like everybody else," Kaldur told him venously. "So get out of my way. I need to find Nyx's brother."

"He's not here."

Kaldur tensed, quickly jumping to the conclusion that Savage already had Cliff. If that was the case, then Nyx was doomed. He could already imagine-

"Canary had hoped Nyx could help restore his memories, but because she went missing the day after the boy arrived, the duty fell to Martian Manhunter." Aquaman noticed the tension fade from his protégé's limbs. "Batman suspected foul play. Clifford's location is under such heavy guard, I don't even know where he is. I can assure you, he is safe. Nyx is the only person we need to be worried about now that you're back."

"Batman is getting awfully involved in this," Kaldur frowned.

Batman spoke up from behind them. "I have good reason to."

Kaldur turned around, his expression hard.

Batman looked at Aquaman. "If you would excuse us, I'd like to speak with Kaldur alone."

With a small scoff, Aquaman turned around and left them. Batman gestured down the hall and then led Kaldur into the debrief room. Once the door was locked and they were alone, the mask of Gotham turned around and pulled off his cowl.

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