Chapter 6: Power

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The helicopter pilot stepped out and rushed around to the back, grabbing Nyx under her arm and helping the half-conscious girl out.

Right before they reached the back door, it suddenly flung open and Maximilian stormed through, his eyes blazing angrily.


He grabbed the pilot around the neck and threw him across the yard before turning to Nyx. She didn't dare move as he stomped forward furiously.

Maximilian's fist shot out and punched her cheek. Nyx hit the ground and was suddenly hit with nausea, making her lean over and puke.

Maximilian kneeled down as she wiped her mouth and he snarled.

"You may not be willing to kill anyone for me, but when I set something up, you do not stand in my way." He growled. "And unless you want dear Clifford to end up like you or Orion, I suggest next time, you eradicate the pests."

Nyx watched with half-lidded eyes as the powerful man walked away. A few moments later, the pilot was back at her side.

"I suggest you get your medical treatment at home today." He whispered. "You really screwed up this time."

"Wouldn't be my first." Nyx muttered hoarsely.

"You're lucky it wasn't your last."


Nyx stepped into the school building the next day with an aura of talk-to-me-and-I'll-kill-you around her. Needless to say, everyone kept their distance.

Kaldur didn't notice the aura at all during lunch.

He'd been anxious to talk to her. If he could get her to trust him, he could help her.

Nyx ignored Kaldur as he walked over and sat down. He quickly noticed the large bruise sticking out of Nyx's white mask. Someone had to have gotten a good hit, but Kaldur knew from the debrief that no one on his team got such an opportunity.

"Hey, Nyx." He smiled. "I heard you were absent again yesterday."


"I'm sorry about what I said the other day." Kaldur sighed. "I'm not the best at... being a good friend and knowing the right thing to say. I'm not really experienced in that kind of stuff."

Nyx looked over and nodded.

"So... are we good?" He asked.

Nyx pulled a paper out of her pocket, which she had written this morning, and she handed it to him. Kaldur looked down and frowned.

Stay away from me.

He looked up and saw that Nyx was already standing. He also noticed her wince slightly as she did so. In that moment, it was decided that he wouldn't get anywhere with her while beating around the bush.

"Stone tablet."

Nyx froze.

"Thessalian lance. Crusader sword."

Kaldur stood up and Nyx regarded him warily, her entire body tense. She was ready to bolt at any given moment.

He held out his hand. "Hi. My name is Kaldur'ahm. I was born in Atlantis. You may also know me by the name Aqualad."

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