Michael - Let us see that if you can survive without me

Larry somehow did his dare with Eddie. When Grace spin the bottle, Eddie whispers in Michael's ear 👂

Eddie - Now you owe me that PBJ sandwich for Monday's lunch

Michael - Ok I will get it for Monday's lunch

Eddie kisses on Michael's cheek without anyone's notice. The bottle stopped at Zoe. Zoe say

Zoe - Truth for me.... I do not want to risk daring with you guys after what I just saw

Justin - Tell us something you do everyday in your workplace which no one knows

Zoe - OKAY.... You guys know I work in KFC.... I everyday get to eat leftovers but no one knows that I sometimes make fresh and take them home or sometimes eat it there when no one is there or when I have my break

Daniel - The next time I come there I will let your boss know about it

Zoe - Do that, I will surely change the pills bottle and tell my clueless brother to have sex on the right time of the month

Hannah - Guys we don't want to know your each other's family issues

Alice spins the bottle and the game went on for 45 minutes with lots of fun. The bottle stopped at Prince and John say

John - Prince you say if you were a gay whom you would date in our school and why? (drunk tone)

Alice - Johnson that is something spicy you have asked there

Prince calmly see everyone and see Michael and Prince say

Prince - Michael

Michael see Prince surprised but deep down in his heart he felt happy. Prince kept seeing Michael and say

Prince - Michael is different from all of us. He is completely different from everything. He is there for everyone when they need him. Never gets mad that easily and there lots more to say.

Nathan - Anything else you like about him?

Prince - His smile, his looks and everything about him is perfect

Prince drinks a bottle of beer and say

Prince - Spin the bottle and move on with this game

55 minutes later, the bottle stopped at Michael. Michael say

Michael - At last my chance.... (happily) Dare!

Bill - You and Prince should kiss each other on lips for ten minutes

Prince and Michael - What?!?! (shocked 😲)

Lilly - If you want you both can take a room and do it in private but with a twist

Ashley - Riley will be with you so that we will know if you both did it or not

Michael - Guys this is too much

Chris - Dare is a dare so you got to do it

David - Or else get ready to do the punishment

Michael bites his lips nervously and see Prince nervously. Prince can easily sense Michael's fear and he understood the fear Michael was having. Prince ask

Prince - What is the grantee that you guys won't sell us out?

Adam - We are friends

Kenny - We do this out of fun only

Emma - Tick tick 1.... Tick tick 2....

Michael see Eddie out of fear and nervousness. Michael knew Eddie hated this because he had seen Eddie treating few of his previous ex girlfriends badly and he did not want to be treated like that no matter what. Eddie just smile 🙂 and Prince say

Prince - Come on Michael let us finish it

Michael follows Prince to a room and Riley followed them. Prince see Riley and say

Prince - We will do it ourselves without you

Riley - How do I trust that you did it? (🤨)

Prince - I didn't touch you but we made out on your last dare

Riley - Fine, I will leave you both alone

Prince enter the room and slammed the door and locked it. Prince see Michael and lick his lower lip and say

Prince - I won't do anything that would make you uncomfortable (firmly)

Michael - I know you won't

Prince got near Michael and say

Prince - When you are ready, we can do it

Michael took a deep breath and relax himself and see Prince in his eyes and say

Michael - Let us do it

Prince slowly start to kiss Michael on his lips. Michael moan in pleasure and Prince hugs Michael and pulls Michael closer to him and kiss him hard while biting his lips. Michael kiss on Prince while biting and sucking his lips. Prince see Michael with love and say

Prince - Michael I got to tell you something (kisses on his lips)

Michael - What? (seeing Prince while hugging him)

Prince - I love you

Michael see him shocked 😲 and Prince continues

Prince - I love you so much that I can't say it by words.... I want to be your boyfriend, your fiance, your husband and father for our kids, I want to be part of your life forever. (kissing on his lips with passion, lust, desire, want and love) I love you very much Michael.

Michael - Prince I am with Eddie

Prince - I know I heard and saw everything

Michael - Then why are you telling me this now when you know everything

Prince - I just wanted to let you know that I have been having feelings for you for a long time.... You were my first kiss and I want everything of ours to be first

Michael - Then why did you date other girls

Prince - To prove myself wrong but I never felt anything for them

Michael - I'm sorry Prince but I'm with Eddie right now

Michael can clearly see hurt and pain and separated from the hug and left the room. Prince followed Michael few minutes later and join others. At 1:15am, Prince, Van and Morris were walking back to Van home. Morris ask

Morris - Prince what happened in the room with Michael? (seeing Prince curiously)

Prince - I told him how I feel about him

Van - What did he say? (seeing Prince curiously)

Prince - He is with Eddie (sighing heavily) I hope everything working out with them (breathes heavily)


orry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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