Most surprising was the fact that each of them–including Aergia–wore the deep blue cloak with the Sloth family crest. Considering the family strife, I wondered if each of the demigods had willingly worn them or not. I had once worn the cloak Artemis wore when I escaped from Aergia's castle into Sloth City, and Artemis had made it very clear that the cloak was to belong to her hands only. I couldn't understand why she had wanted the cloak, or why she wore it now, but didn't have much time to ponder that thought.

After they were led inside, the representatives from Lust City arrived. I'd expected to see a horde of demigods and goddesses arriving at Hades' castle, so was surprised to see only one man climbing the steps before us, and another retrieving something from the carriage. The first of the two, and clearly the God of Lust, had full lips framed with a heavy beard. He wore a vest and long-sleeved shirt. The collar was open, and the top few buttons undone. He rolled his sleeves up as he moved towards us, revealing firm muscle and bronze forearms despite likely having seen no sun. He ran a hand through his shoulder-length locks, and each strand seemed to settle in perfect formation. I hadn't even met him yet, but he radiated such beauty that I involuntarily took a step towards him and had to force myself back into position.

I'd expected another formal greeting. What I didn't expect, however, was for a huge smile to break across his face and for him to pick Persephone off the ground and twirl her around.

My jaw dropped to the floor.

My mother laughed as a red tinge appeared across her cheeks. Her arms were pinned to her sides, but her dress swirled around her, making her appear even more angelic than usual.

I almost rolled my eyes, but had to take the opportunity to look at the jealously that was surely written on Hades' face–


The God of Lust's warmth was infectious.

Hades' eyes sparkled mischievously, and the sides of his lips quirked up into a smile.

"Eros, my friend. Even a few weeks without seeing you is far too long," Hades greeted.

Eros placed Persephone back down on her feet, making sure she was steady before stepping away. "And a year is much too long to go without seeing your beautiful wife, Hades. Why have you hidden her from me for so long?"

"I think you know why I must," he replied dryly.

Eros and Persephone kissed each other on the cheek.

"It is fantastic to see you too, Eros," Persephone said. "I have to say the tournament will be in dire need of your charm these coming weeks."

"You have enough charm yourself, Perse. As I remind you every time we meet."

"And as I remember every time we meet," Hades quipped, but still unable to keep the smile from his lips. "You are lucky my patience is strong with you."

Eros laughed, emphasising the smile lines around his eyes and mouth. It was a deep and full sound; a laugh that sounded genuine.

Then, his eyes flickered to me. The warmth and openness in them astounded me. "And you must be the Princess. It is an honour to meet you."

I opened my mouth to respond, but no words seemed to come out. All that came out was a strange choking noise. For at that moment, the contender for Lust City, Eros' son, appeared by his side.

Eros tracked my line of sight and, with a knowing smile, took a step back. "Serena, allow me to introduce you to my son, Himeros."

Like his father, Himeros had a strong jawline and straight nose. He looked to be a couple years older than me but knowing that demigods aged at slower speeds didn't make me entirely sure. His hair, while black, mysteriously glistened against the non-existent sunlight, making it look like it had streaks of silver in it. Dressed in an all-black dress shirt and pants, he sort of melted into the darkness but exuded light at the same time. And he was staring intently at me. It was the kind of stare you gave to someone you liked. And I mean really liked.

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