"Indeed, it's bittersweet," Ibaraki said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "We have grown so close to Sakura, but we know that one day we will have to say goodbye and return to Gensokyo. It is a reminder that nothing lasts forever, and life is full of fleeting moments." She sighed, lost in thought for a moment before continuing. "But we will always cherish the memories we have made with her and carry them with us wherever we go."

Nyx removed her headphones and looked at Ibaraki with a warm smile. "You're right, Ibaraki. We should focus on the time we have left with Sakura and make the most of it. Let's give her the support she needs to make a new start and create more happy memories together."

Shuten nodded in agreement, gently stroking Sakura's hair. "That's right. We'll be there for her every step of the way, no matter what happens."

Marisa grinned and turned to face the group. "And who knows, maybe we'll even visit her from time to time. We could use a good excuse to come back to this side of the world, right?"

However, Sakura's happiness was of utmost importance to them, and they believed that being with Shirou and having friends by her side would bring her joy and comfort during difficult times.

After arriving at the Emiya household, they decided to take a short break and step out of the car. They gazed at the quaint and cozy residence, admiring the peaceful atmosphere surrounding it.

 They gazed at the quaint and cozy residence, admiring the peaceful atmosphere surrounding it

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The Emiya household is a large, old building situated at the northern end of Miyama. It's a Japanese-style house that exudes a classical elegance fitting for the area. Even amidst Miyama's old-fashioned style, the house stands out with its rare architectural design, making it a precious example of architectural history. Although it is large and has been abandoned for some time, its rich history has ensured its preservation, preventing its demolition despite occupying a significant amount of space in an area dedicated to civic planning.

As Ibaraki approached the Emiya household, she noticed that the gate was left open. This was unusual, and it left her feeling uneasy. As she drew closer, she heard an otherworldly sound that she couldn't quite decipher.

"I'll take care of things from here. Nyx, Marisa, protect Shuten and Sakura," Ibaraki stated firmly, her tone protective and resolute. The others looked at her in confusion but nodded in agreement, trusting Ibaraki's judgment.

Without hesitation, Ibaraki entered the Emiya household, her senses on high alert. As she explored the premises, she discovered something that left her utterly perplexed. "How can this be? A Dead Apostle here? The distance between Misaki and Fuyuki is so far...It doesn't make sense," Ibaraki muttered to herself, struggling to comprehend the situation before her.

As she approached the shed, Ibaraki's confusion quickly turned into alarm as she saw a hulking man relentlessly pounding his burly body against the door, shattering it bit by bit. From within the battered shed, she could hear the muffled sounds of Shirou and, most likely, Taiga.

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