Chapter 34

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Melissa's POV

As I stand in the pitch black room with my back pressed against the shelves, holding what I can only guess to be linens, tears continue running down my face. Why would he do this to me? The vision of him on top of the big breasted woman just keeps replaying in my mind over and over again. His hips driving into her, the way the sweat glistened off his body dripping onto her. Her eyes rolled back in passion with her legs wrapped around his waist. The tears increased as the memory flashed over my eyes over and over again. I know everything wasn't perfect last night. The kiss was awkward and then I froze when he touched me but to do this. To toss me aside without so much as a 'I don't want to do this anymore' feels more than cruel. How would I ever be able to look at him again, let alone talk to him? It's hard to imagine even being in the same space as him right now.

"Already running from your knight in shining armor huh?"

The flash of light blinded me as Syn opened the closet door, revealing his smug face. Had I been in a better headspace, I would have a snippy comment to retort back to him. The sharp gash in my chest prevented me from doing anything but sinking to the floor and crying more. No more than three seconds had passed before I was in his arms being carried to God knows where. The better, more awake part of my brain was alerting me to the fact that I was letting the man I had only spoken to for a few brief moments the day I came here and once at the pool to carry me to a destination I did not know. But that part of my brain had checked out completely. Instead, my tired head rested in the crook of his neck as he carried me to the destination, a faint knowledge of me wetting his shirt. After going up a flight of stairs and making two lefts, a door was opened and Syn descended into a recliner, still cradling me.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I was just being a dick. I'm sorry."

Opting to rather not use my words at this time, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury deeper in his arms. To say he wasn't the most muscular man of the group, when his arms wrapped around me I felt so wonderfully encased in warmth.

"Can we just sit here for a minute?"

"Yea of course."

Closing my eyes, still in his embrace, tears finally drying as I take in the peace of being in his arms. How was I going to talk about this without breaking down again? Do I even want to talk about this? Sure, I would have to explain it to him considering I was actively using him as a hiding spot from Rev, but then Amelia would need to know. I don't even know if I'd have the emotional strength to talk to Syn about this, let alone with Amelia all over again. The most crippling part of his betrayal was that I would never know why he did it unless I talked to him. Though the part that hurt the most of all was it being that the very person that brought so many smiles to my face, made me cry from laughing so hard was now behind me sobbing to a man I barely knew.

"Look I don't exactly know what happened between you and Rev but if you want to talk we can. Or I can call Amelia. I've seen you two are close."

I shake my head, pulling myself up from his neck and beginning to stand before his arm wraps around my waist.

"I wasn't kicking you out, you don't have to leave. I just know women typically like sharing emotions with women you know."

At the sympathetic and slightly lost look on his face, a laugh escapes me.

"Why do you look so confused?"

"I'm not prone to having women in my arms crying. This is shaky territory for me to be honest."

Nodding silently I can understand what he means. These men weren't the most friendly but they didn't seem like the types to make women cry on purpose, or at least some of them didn't.

"If it's okay with you, I'd rather skip the emotion talking."

Knowing the possibly uncomfortable situation this could be for him, I tried to sweeten the pot using my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but don't think those eyes will get me to do whatever you want."

Knowing that was absolute bullshit, I nodded placing my head back down on his chest.

"Well if we aren't going to talk about that, what are we going to do then?"

A chill ran down my spine at the words. There was a very worrisome way to interpret that question. I send up a silent prayer that he wasn't asking what I assumed he was.

"What do you mean?"

"As much as I'm enjoying this, I don't think we can just stay in this position all day. And to be honest, I'm not too much of a fan of the silence."

Relief blew through my body, having the contect I needed to relax.

"What did you think I meant?"

"Just what you said."

"Liar. You went stiff as a board after I asked that."

Huffing with a downward glance, the words came easier without looking at him.

"I was worried you wanted me to do something for you. Like I owed you for hiding me."

Three beats of silence filled the space. Great now he probably thinks I'm insane or maybe even pondering if that would be a better option. Why can't you get a fucking grip of yourself Melissa?

"I'm sorry."

"Excuse me?"

The words left me as my eyes shot upwards to his face.

"I'm sorry. Sorry for whatever you have been through in your life, sorry for whatever is going on right now, sorry that you think I'm so shitty that I would ask a crying woman to fuck me."

His statement gave me pause. What could I even say back to that? No problem, I was destined to be fucked up? Do I just say it's okay and ignore what he said?

"It's okay really."

"No, it's really not. I had one chance to make an at least decent first impression once you got here and I left you to go be with Chastity, one of the many women who barely talks to me. And for what? A quick round of sex just so she can feel like she's queen of the house. You were a much smarter and better option but I wasn't thinking with my head on my shoulders."

The only response I could give him is a slight shrug of the shoulders. Of course, it stung a bit to be in the middle of something and then abandoned, especially being so new to everything. But it has been so long since that day, I couldn't hold something so pointless against him. He's a man and it's not like I was, or am now, in the mental place where I can offer myself to him. All I was then was a weird quiet girl who jumped if someone talked too loud. That's not exactly the most ideal company to keep in the best of circumstances.

"I don't hold that against you. Sure, I didn't want to be left but you wanted something I couldn't offer."

"In that case, how about we call this a new start? You and I begin again. I wouldn't mind being involved in your life."

Feeling a smile tug on my lips, I pull the man into a hug. Nothing in particular was exceptional about beginning with Syn again, but the opportunity to have a better rapport with one of the men I'm living with and will continue to live with for the foreseeable future is something I can appreciate.

"I really like the sound of that Syn."

"How about you call me Haner?"

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