Chapter 16

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Christ's POV

Here I am. In the whore quarters searching for someone I haven't fucked twice this week already. The search is starting to feel never-ending until I find one red head that I know has a certain penchant for BDSM. I pluck her from the bench she's perched on brushing her long red hair and proceed to guide her back to my room. There we enter the makeshift sex dungeon that I personally love to call home.

"Wow! This place is trippy. I love it."

I don't know what it was but hearing her voice was such a deadpan of nothingness. I mean yea I want all of my partners into the sex but I don't know if that much excitement should surround such a seedy interaction. Fuck I don't even know her name for pete's sake. I'm all for a woman fucking whomever she pleases but something about this just made my dick soft.

"Get out."

"What? We just got here. We haven't eve-"

"Get the fuck out bitch!"

With my throaty yell, she quickly retreated out of the room and out to the hallway. I heave out a sigh as I plop my ass in the black and gold velvet chair that's in the corner of my room. I can't keep finding any reason to not fuck the same girls over and over again. It's starting to feel fucking compulsory in order for me to keep a boner. There's nothing really wrong with those females but they're kind of annoying after a while and then they start wanting to be claimed and turned into girlfriends. And I'll be fucked in the ass before I go down that dumbass road again. Since I can't satisfy my sexual appetite I guess I'll satiate my physical one. My feet lazily carry me down the stairs to the kitchen where I see one of the many females that live here already in the kitchen.

"Hey, fix me a sandwich. Extra mayo, 2 slices of swiss cheese and put two pickles on the side."

I bark out my order and then promptly take my seat at the table and check the news on my phone. Browsing through the Bat Chronicles, I glaze over the recent crimes. Of course there's a string of unsolved burglaries thanks to us but there is one that catches my eye. Here it says last night a jewelry store in Huntington Beach was held at gunpoint and then tagged. The marking was a pig. Weird ass tag if you ask me but I guess originality can be challenging for some. As I'm reading the story, I see a shaky hand place the plate in front of me. I really wasn't in the mood to sit by myself so once the plate is safely on the table, I grab her wrist and place her in my lap. It isn't much longer than I spend reading the article and eating the sandwich but what captures my attention in the background is how distant the girl in my lap is. Usually most girls love this shit, it makes them feel like we're showing them off to everyone in the house, but this chick is literally shaking like it's -25 degrees here.

"Dammit stop shaking like that."

Immediately the shaking stops and I'm able to reach the bottom of my article and sandwich. Then I allow my curiosity the delight that it so desperately craves and look onto the face of the fidgety bitch. There upon my lap is the young beauty that Rev has claimed all to himself. I know I should push her off but I just can't bring myself to do it. Especially not with the boner that is growing in my pants. Well this was extremely unexpected. My subconscious is hollering at me to not piss off Rev and get this girl off my lap. My dick is screaming just a little bit louder than she's just so beautiful and new to look at. That is until I really looked at her and saw her face. Not just her attractiveness but the busted lip trying to heal and her eye that was still very bruised and the very present bruise healing on cheek. Even more I could see the pained and terrified look on her face. It's then like a tidal wave that I remember what she's shared and everything she's been through. Never been abused myself but my sister was a regular punching bag for my uncle. She was an angel to me and my mother, it killed me and eventually carrying around that much darkness killed her. Guilt swarmed me for years after, I felt like there was something more I could've done if I wasn't such a little bitch. But I'll never have the chance to save her. Maybe I can at least try to save this girl though.

She May Not Belong to One of Us, but She Belongs to All of UsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora