Chapter 18

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Melissa's POV

The next two weeks passed by in a blur of laying in Rev's bed binge watching everything Netflix had to offer, eating tons and tons of food and just being good to each other. He's been an absolute Godsend to me. Never tries to touch me more than I would allow and never even brings up sex, he even blushes and looks away from the TV when there's a sex scene on tv. Literally I feel like I'm melting with the amount of comfort he brings me. I wasn't prepared for any of this, the care, the comfort, the amount of everything. Right now we're lying in his bed with my head tucked in the crook of his neck watching some new romantic comedy on Hulu. I glance over at him and just admire him for the man he is.

"What? Is there queso on my face?"

His question and aggressive face scrubbing a reference to the very large amount of chips and dip we basically devoured in seconds, and yes there was queso on his face. But that's what I was looking at. I was looking at his perfect baby blue eyes, his deep black hair that was everywhere from laying down all day, and his quirky little smile that was so sincere. I was looking at the man he understandably hid from the world, but chose to show me. My hands wrapped around his cheeks prompting us both to sit up all the way on the bed. I looked into his eyes, I could see he was looking past the woman my trauma made. He was looking at the person emerging. The laughter I never shared, the silly faces I make almost constantly now, the way he said my eyes almost change shades based on my emotions. His cheeks turn up in a dopey kinda smile as he places his hands over mine.

"Is there something I can do for you my love?"

His goofy voice was so normal to me at this point I found it comforting. A freight train of realization hit me all at once. I have a crush on him! This man who kidnapped me, saved, protected me is the object of my affection. I can feel my eyes almost burst out of the socket.

"I need to talk to Amelia!"

I take off running immediately in the direction of her room. My scrambled mind and adrenaline give me an extra ten horsepower. I arrive in the room, much to her frightened surprise, heaving with heavy breaths. Leaning my body against the door slamming it closed, I can finally breathe and stop panicking.

"Bitch did you just run a marathon? What's wrong with you?"

"I think I have a crush on Rev."

The words sound foreign just coming from my lips. To my credit, he wasn't my first crush. He was just possibly the oddest choice for one.

"What the HELL? Bitch lock that door and bring that ass here. I demand answers!"

I lock the door and face plant into her bed directly in the middle of the mattress. Embarrassment was not an emotion I'm unfamiliar with but it's still mortifying everytime.

"Flip over and talk to me chica. You have to know I'm not going to judge you. I just want some information about this crush."

Knowing that I had brought this information to her and she would rather tie me up than let me leave without more information, I lifted my head from her mattress and attempted to line up my thoughts.

"Well after he and Vengeance had that huge fight, we went into my room and just talked. It was really sweet and I felt safe. Like really safe, like no matter what happened or what I did as long as I had him I never had to be scared again. We've been spending every day and night in his room for the past like two weeks just watching tv and eating so much food. Then today I just looked at him. Past the crimes and the danger, I saw him for him and him. Like I wanna kiss him and hug him all day."

"Well fuck my ankle. This is a very interesting development but honestly it was expected."

"What do you mean by expected?"

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